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Biaggi’s Other Opium Den

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i’d like to announce that i am now a british israelite, i believe that the british are descendants of the lost tribes of israel, and as such should be split and punished by god for their sins against man.
CRT and covid restrictions got out of the news and now the GQP can’t turn anybody out 😭😭😭 them voters don’t give a fuck i’m crying
CRT and covid restrictions got out of the news and now the GQP can’t turn anybody out 😭😭😭 them voters don’t give a fuck i’m crying
once suburban conservatives didn’t have to hear about black people or masks from their kids they gave up on Kevin McFraud and his mickey mouse clubhouse of representatives

2001-2009: Gary Bauer / George Pataki (Republican)
2000 def. Al Gore / Joe Lieberman (Democratic), Ralph Nader / Winona LaDuke (Green)
2001: Fulfilling a campaign promise, Bauer begins to sanction China and withdraw MFN status.
2001: Bauer appoints Timothy Goeglein Chief of Staff
2001: The 9/11 attacks occur, killing 4,000 Americans as planes hit WTC and White House. The Bauer administration (surviving in a bunker) begins the "War on Terror".
2001: The PATRIOT ACT is passed, expanding the federal government's means to fight terrorism
2002: The United States invades Afghanistan
2001: The Department of Homeland Security, a semi-autonomous government agent, is formed, with governor Jim Gilmore (R) serving as department head.
2002: The Department of Homeland Security begins a policy of "registering" all Arab citizens, later discovered in the 2020s. Along with this, several opposition politicians and leaders get registered as well (such as Governor David Bonoir, Ralph Nader, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Aaron McGruder)
2002: Chief of Staff Timothy Goeglein declares that America is in a "holy war", immediately sparks firestorm of controversy in Islamic world.
2002: Robert Kennedy Jr. elected governor of New York.
2002: United States senate votes to go to war with Iraq over WMDs. However, "holy war" comments from Goeglein lead to a closer vote (66-34) for the war than the Bauer administration wants.
2003: Timothy Goeglein appointed Secretary of Labor, a position where he can remain "less controversial" for Bauer administration.
2003: The PATRIOT ACT II is passed by the United States congress.
2003: Supported by Democratic senators Wesley Clark (D-AR) and Ernest Hollings (D-SC), the United States congress passes the Universal National Service Act, forcing all Americans aged 18-26 to complete a year of military service.
2003: The 10/4 attacks occur in Los Angeles, California, killing 1,500. Later reports connect the attacks to the Syrian state.
2003: The United States invades Syria.
2003: Saddam Hussein is killed.
2004: Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is killed by an anthrax attack. His running mate Dick Gephardt takes over the campaign and chooses Joe Biden as his running mate.
2004: The "Irishman Scandal" comes out, connecting Biden to organized crime. He drops out and is replaced by Evan Bayh.
2004: President Bauer attacks Gephardt for having a lesbian daughter, is criticized by many nationally.
2004 def. Dick Gephardt / Evan Bayh (Democratic), Ralph Nader / Jeff Golden (Green)
2005: The United States passes the "Sarbanes Plan" to divide Syria and Iraq among ethnic lines. The division creates a united Kurdish state, a Shia Iraqi state, a Sunni Iraqi state, a Druze Syrian state, a Sunni Syrian state, a Alawite Syrian state, and a minor Christian Syrian state in the attempts to "bring Christian values" to the Middle East. The division causes massive ethnic cleansing and collapsing relations with Turkey, leading to extreme controversy.
2005: Timothy Goeglein is appointed Secretary of Defense.
2006: Democrats sweep the midterms as the economy begins to hurt, and people become "fed up" with War on Terror.
2007: After loss in midterms, Bauer administration "hurries" exit of Middle East, only speeding up and increasing ethnic cleansing and conflict.
2008: Timothy Goeglein elected governor of Indiana

2009-2010: Robert Kennedy Jr. / John Edwards (Democratic)
2008 def. Ralph Reed / Mark Sanford (Republican)
2009: Kennedy begins "New War on Poverty" policy, beginning a work program to pay for college, a universal healthcare program, and to fund cities more intensely.
2009: The McCain-Lieberman cap and trade bill is passed.
2009: President Kennedy is criticized for not replacing Jim Gilmore as Secretary of Homeland Security, later revealed to be due to extensive blackmail.
2010: As the Kennedy administration plans to end American involvement in Afghanistan, John Edwards' cheating scandal is released to the media ahead of 2010 midterms, which see massive Republican wave. Both Edwards and Kennedy are stubborn, but after massive Republican gains, Edwards resigns in December 2010.

2010-2011: Robert Kennedy Jr. / vacant (Democratic)
2011: President Kennedy announces exit from Afghanistan, overriding congressional opposition to his plans
2011: The Republican congress blocks Kennedy's attempt at appointing David Bonoir Vice President
2011: Impeachment over "illegal actions and mismanagement of Afghanistan" and "cover up of Edwards scandal" is Successful. Liberals declare "Republican Coup", storm capitol after Speaker Roy Blunt inaugurated

2011-2011: Roy Blunt / vacant (Republican)
2011-2013: Roy Blunt / Ralph Reed (Republican)
2011: Blunt appoints Ralph Reed vice president, declares Reed was "robbed" in 2008 election.
2011: McCain-Lieberman is overturned
2012: The United States invades Iran
2012: Gary Bauer writes essay declaring Christian Americans should "resist atheistic governance by any means necessary"

2013-2021: Timothy Goeglein / Tom Davis (Republican)
2012 def. Hillary Clinton / Matt Cartwright (Democratic)
2013: Department of Homeland Security begins large-scale operation to "quiet" American casualties in Iran. Goeglein ramps up troop numbers in war.
2013: Roe v. Wade is overturned.
2014: CIA and DHS begin funnelling money to support radical right-wing candidate Filip Petrovski in Macedonian elections, Petrovski wins and begins era of far-right governance.
2014: In Obergefell v. Hodges, the supreme court finds in a 6-3 decision that gay marriage is not protected by the federal government.
2014: Robert Kennedy Jr. is elected governor of New York, declares "political war" on Goeglein administration, later refusing to use NY national guard in Iran War, and "nullifying" several federal acts.
2015: United States congress begins federal ban on abortion, "New Nullification" begins as New York, and New England states refuse order, Kennedy promotes "Abortion Tourism" to state. He is met in Albany by United States troops, but refuses to back down. Crisis leads to heavy government violence in states.
2016: DHS declares leaders of Democratic Party "threat to U.S. Security", GOP ratfucking pretty much forces pro-military Democrat Wesley Clark through Democratic nomination. Later reports show Clark is "controlled opposition".
2016 def. Wesley Clark / Patrick Kennedy (Democratic)
2017: Leak from DHS shows government lies about military casualties in Iran, massive anti-war protests begin.
2018: Despite GOP ratfucking, Democrats elect 20-seat majority in house, narrowly lose senate.
2019: Three straight impeachment attempts succeed in house before being blocked by senate, all of which reveal "incompetence" in GOP regime.
2020: "Clean and Fair" elections promoted by various secretaries of state, as Democrats made concerted effort to win state secretaries of state offices in 2018.

2021-????: Richard Cordray / Chris Shelton (Democratic)
2020 def. Ralph Reed / Lindsey Graham (Republican)
2021: Investigations into DHS, CIA, and FBI activity begin under "Kerrey Committee".
2021: United States exits Iran.
going to adult confirmation classes to find a woman as online as me and it immediately backfiring when i take her to a basketball game and she calls bronny james a racial slur
she breaks up with me not because of anything political but because i make a “lutherans unfortunately made the best mass with mass in b minor” joke to her three weeks in. a month later she converts to russian orthodoxy.
after listening to the advice of various white women (and glenn greenwald) on twitter i become a sex tourist in latin america. however, my real strategy is to meet up with various mormon missionaries (all in the same brothels im at btw) and introduce them to amon düül
immediately winning the republican nomination for governor of oregon when i drop my “student loan debt is part of liberal elitism because it ignores those who didn’t go to college” take. after finishing in third place behind betsy johnson i get an election twitter account named after me that tries to promote “BASED POPULISM” and then just ends up supporting the north idaho NSADP association
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