Biaggi’s Other Opium Den

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Wtf happened at the other place?
here’s my full explanation:

i’ve felt that has become sort of exhausting recently, i can’t make any TLs, and ian really got on my nerves and made me question my morals

i didn’t wanna go out the way i did, but it was the only way to make a point

if anyone asks on just show them this ig
Theory: Due to his strong Blue Collar and Polish support, Lane Kirkland was the best Dem for 1984:

1984 Notes:
-Lane Kirkland jumps in and after doing great in Iowa due to the labor presence and a strong March 13, he becomes the front-runner and wins the nomination
-Reagan faces some random liberal Republican opponent who wins like 5% of the primary vote but inspires JBA to run in the general
-A bunch of annoyed Atari Democrats and Lib Reps go support John B. Anderson, who cobbles together some barebones support and makes

Arthur Schlesinger his running mate
-Reagan flails the debates and Kirkland never makes the Mondale taxes gaffe. He also chooses Hart or someone to feed the Atari Dems

u h
Lane Kirkland/Some Atari Democrat (Democratic) 288 EVs
Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush (Republican) 235 EVs
John B. Anderson/Arthur Schlesinger (National Union) 15 EVs

Presidents of the United States:
Lane Kirkland (Democratic) 1985-1993

1984 Def. (with Tim Wirth) Ronald Reagan (Republican) John B. Anderson (National Union)
1988 Def. (with Tim Wirth) Al Haig (Republican) Various (National Union)
Theory: Due to his strong Blue Collar and Polish support, Lane Kirkland was the best Dem for 1984:

1984 Notes:
-Lane Kirkland jumps in and after doing great in Iowa due to the labor presence and a strong March 13, he becomes the front-runner and wins the nomination
-Reagan faces some random liberal Republican opponent who wins like 5% of the primary vote but inspires JBA to run in the general
-A bunch of annoyed Atari Democrats and Lib Reps go support John B. Anderson, who cobbles together some barebones support and makes

Arthur Schlesinger his running mate
-Reagan flails the debates and Kirkland never makes the Mondale taxes gaffe. He also chooses Hart or someone to feed the Atari Dems

u h
View attachment 16530
Lane Kirkland/Some Atari Democrat (Democratic) 288 EVs
Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush (Republican) 235 EVs
John B. Anderson/Arthur Schlesinger (National Union) 15 EVs

Presidents of the United States:
Lane Kirkland (Democratic) 1985-1993

1984 Def. (with Tim Wirth) Ronald Reagan (Republican) John B. Anderson (National Union)
1988 Def. (with Tim Wirth) Al Haig (Republican) Various (National Union)

im surprised that national unity just falls apart after 1984 after getting the best third party performance since 1968

especially as the next election is a match up against haig, and there isnt an arthur bremer wandering around to mess up their plans
im surprised that national unity just falls apart after 1984 after getting the best third party performance since 1968

especially as the next election is a match up against haig, and there isnt an arthur bremer wandering around to mess up their plans
hmmmmm you’re right
tsongas ‘88?
90s as a Decade of Change and wack shit:
-Jeane Kirkpatrick becomes president either through the death of Bush/Dole, or her own election in ‘88 and responds to Tiananmen with force, making the PRC a pariah state, and enraging China into a Solidarity-type revolution also CIA director Rummy + a more anti-Sino India ships a fuckton of weapons to Tibet
-The arms shipments to Tibet gets revealed and Republicans have a second Iran-Contra on their hands, which causes another investigation, unpopularity for Kirkpatrick and a probable Dem sweep of ‘91 + ‘92
-Saddam never invades Kuwait because he only did so due to a miscommunication between him and Bush that would most likely never occur ITTL, instead he fucks off and kills some Kurds or something
-Russia gets fucked up and shit by the coup + stronger Lib Dems for whatever reason
-Rodney King still happens and the OJ Simpson trial goes the other way for whatever reason (definitely not white jurors guys we swear)
-The recession begins on schedule
-The 91 DC Riot also goes worse and some kind of riot breaks out in another large very racially diverse city (NYC, Miami, New Orleans basically) which causes some very fucked up shit
-1989-1991 SPORTS CHANGES:
  • Pistons still win 1989-1990, but in '91, Dominique Wilkins, aided with new teammates Buck Williams and a rebounding John Lucas who's on his Lonnie Smith vibes crack the Lakers
  • Speaking of Lonnie Smith, the Braves win in 1991, this is a good TL for Atlanta
  • In 1990 the Bills do not choke, but they don't even make the Super Bowl in 1992 because Warren Moon does and Warren Moon wins a Super Bowl because Houston deserves that right now
-With Race Riots happening around the country, Jesse Jackson sees this as a political opportunity and jumps in, using his "Rainbow Coalition" to promote racial unity and harmony. Jackson is hurt by the much bigger and brighter Democratic primary field than OTL and ummmmm *rolls dice for funky moderate the DCCC will suck up to* Bill Bradley
-Lee Iacocca or some shit jumps in to run an anti-war, anti-alt!NAFTA, mildly racist towards Asians/Mexicans campaign with Dick Lamm probably
-Kirkpatrick faces some kind of Buchananite primary challenge or something
-Because of chaos David Duke is involved as governor in some way
-Iacocca/Bradley/Kirkpatrick/Duke send the election to the house which pisses everyone off, Dick Lamm becomes acting president FOR SURE
90s as a Decade of Change and wack shit:
-Jeane Kirkpatrick becomes president either through the death of Bush/Dole, or her own election in ‘88 and responds to Tiananmen with force, making the PRC a pariah state, and enraging China into a Solidarity-type revolution also CIA director Rummy + a more anti-Sino India ships a fuckton of weapons to Tibet
-The arms shipments to Tibet gets revealed and Republicans have a second Iran-Contra on their hands, which causes another investigation, unpopularity for Kirkpatrick and a probable Dem sweep of ‘91 + ‘92
-Saddam never invades Kuwait because he only did so due to a miscommunication between him and Bush that would most likely never occur ITTL, instead he fucks off and kills some Kurds or something
-Russia gets fucked up and shit by the coup + stronger Lib Dems for whatever reason
-Rodney King still happens and the OJ Simpson trial goes the other way for whatever reason (definitely not white jurors guys we swear)
-The recession begins on schedule
-The 91 DC Riot also goes worse and some kind of riot breaks out in another large very racially diverse city (NYC, Miami, New Orleans basically) which causes some very fucked up shit
-1989-1991 SPORTS CHANGES:
  • Pistons still win 1989-1990, but in '91, Dominique Wilkins, aided with new teammates Buck Williams and a rebounding John Lucas who's on his Lonnie Smith vibes crack the Lakers
  • Speaking of Lonnie Smith, the Braves win in 1991, this is a good TL for Atlanta
  • In 1990 the Bills do not choke, but they don't even make the Super Bowl in 1992 because Warren Moon does and Warren Moon wins a Super Bowl because Houston deserves that right now
-With Race Riots happening around the country, Jesse Jackson sees this as a political opportunity and jumps in, using his "Rainbow Coalition" to promote racial unity and harmony. Jackson is hurt by the much bigger and brighter Democratic primary field than OTL and ummmmm *rolls dice for funky moderate the DCCC will suck up to* Bill Bradley
-Lee Iacocca or some shit jumps in to run an anti-war, anti-alt!NAFTA, mildly racist towards Asians/Mexicans campaign with Dick Lamm probably
-Kirkpatrick faces some kind of Buchananite primary challenge or something
-Because of chaos David Duke is involved as governor in some way
-Iacocca/Bradley/Kirkpatrick/Duke send the election to the house which pisses everyone off, Dick Lamm becomes acting president FOR SURE
Presidents of the United States:
Bob Dole*/Jeane Kirkpatrick (Republican) 1989-1989
Jeane Kirkpatrick/none (Republican) 1989-1990
Jeane Kirkpatrick/Jack Kemp (Republican) 1990-1993

Def. Michael Dukakis/John Glenn (Democratic)
Dick Lamm/none (Independent-Acting President) 1993-1994
Bill Bradley/Dick Lamm (Democratic/Independent) 1994-1997

Def. Lee Iacocca/Dick Lamm (Independent) Bill Bradley/Douglas Wilder (Democratic) Jeane Kirkpatrick/Jack Kemp (Republican) David Duke/Jim Traficant (Populist)
Donald P. Hodel/John Barnes (Republican) 1997-2001
Def. Lee Iacocca/Tim Penny (Liberty & Justice) Bill Bradley/Tom Harkin (Democratic) Dick Lamm/Gene Burns (Westward) David Duke/Bo Gritz (Populist)
James P. Hoffa/Bart Stupak (New Solidarity) 2001-2007
Bart Stupak/none (New Solidarity) 2007-2008
Bart Stupak/Brian Schweitzer (New Solidarity) 2008-2009

2000 Def. Jesse Jackson/Dick Geraphardt (Democratic) Donald P. Hodel/John Barnes (Republican) Lowell Weicker/Angus King (Liberty & Justice) Jesse Ventura/Ron Wyden (Westward)
2004 Def. Bob Barr/Tim Michels (Republican) Paul Wellstone/Wesley Clark (Democratic) Russell Means/Larry Flynt (Westward) Lincoln Chafee/Ted Weil (Liberty & Justice)
WI: The Carter Administration gives money to the Youngstown Effort, creating conservative rage and in response a more conservative economic policy and Gar Alperovitz becoming famous.

Democratic Party: Jimmy Carter (GA)/Walter Mondale (MN)
Primary Def. Jerry Brown (CA), Michael Harrington (NY), Cliff Finch (MS)

Republican Party: Ronald Reagan (CA)/Phil Crane (PA)
Primary Def. George Bush (TX), John B. Anderson (IL), Ben Fernandez (CA)

Independent Ticket [Polling Above 5%]: John B. Anderson (IL)/Kevin White (MA)

Electoral Map:
Ronald Reagan/Phil Crane (Republican) 310 EVs
Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale (Democratic) 195 EVs

John B. Anderson/Kevin White (Independent) 33 EVs

Key Moments of the Reagan Administration (1981)
-(February-April 1981): The "Youngstown Commonwealth Strikes": President Reagan announces the forced removal of Government-given technologies from a Youngstown community-steel mill. In response, government employees in the city go on strike, largely due to family relations having worked in said mill. The strikes cause other strikes of government workers in solidarity with the Youngstown strikers, and as such, Alperovitz's economic policies become familiar with the unions. Reagan's response is too fire many, which scares some nationally, but the Youngstown strikes hold strong, and president Reagan ends up reinstating (or just cancelling the removal of) the technology as part of a deal between the strikers and them. The strike begins a shift, as Gar Alperovitz is yet again thrown into the spotlight and his ideals become common among union members.
-(March 30, 1981): Reagan Assassination Attempt, as OTL
-(June 1981): MLB Strike: As OTL
-(June 7, 1981): Anne Armstrong becomes first woman to be nominated (and later appointed) to the Supreme Court
-(August-November/sometime 1981/1982): Air Traffic Controllers Go On Strike: Yet again some unions cause ol Ronny some trouble, but firing all the employees failed in Youngstown due to the community's closeness as they're mostly located in only one city and many of the workers being municipal in nature. But that doesn't stop him this time! He fires them, but with a successful strike having dominated the news earlier (albeit under different circumstances) causes a larger number of strikers and therefore more issues with the FAA to find scabs. Welp, shit goes down in a major way, and either Reagan negotiates with strikers or they fail like OTL. I'm gonna say he negotiates or holds out to a point the FAA caves. So another win for the unions occurs and all of a sudden bigger businesses are more worried and maybe Phelps Dodge goes different in 1983, or maybe its worse.
1982 Midterms:
Senate Totals:
Democratic: 46 +6 = 52 Seats
Republican: 54 -6
= 48 Seats

House Totals:
Democratic: 243 +36 = 279 Seats
Republican: 192 -44 = 148 Seats
National Union: 0 +6 = 6 Seats
Libertarian: 0 +1 = 1 Seat [MT-01]
Right to Life: 0 +1 = 1 Seat [NY-38]

Gubernatorial Totals:
genusmap (5).png
Democratic: 27 +9 = 36 States
Republican: 23 -10 = 13 States
National Union: 0 +1 = 1 State
Liberty Union: 0 +1 = 1 State


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Small Retcon: In August of 1981, the Gulf of Sidra incident results in American casualties, and the USA declares war, which proves controversial with the Vietnam War being fresh in everyone's minds. Anti-War protests fuel Liberal Democrats and National Unionists (along with insurgent Vermont gubernatorial candidate Bernie Sanders) and it only causes more controversy for Reagan.
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