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Biaggi’s Other Opium Den

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You were the one who did it tho? Unless this is another thing in the thread that got deleted, all I see are instagram photos.
That was indeed the very real doxxing
Biaggi I'm gonna be honest - sometimes with you I can't tell what is funni haha and what is deathly serious.
It was indeed very serious last night a group of Anti-Bavaria assassins broke into Graham’s house and replace him with a Irish-American imposter
the circa-2016 cracked theory about the simpsons being in an alternate, more violent universe is true, but the point of divergence is in the early 70s, when johnny calhoun releases These Things I Believe, which, while tanking, causes far right suburban violence to leak into modern rock n roll culture, creating the material conditions necessary for the simpsons to be real
the circa-2016 cracked theory about the simpsons being in an alternate, more violent universe is true, but the point of divergence is in the early 70s, when johnny calhoun releases These Things I Believe, which, while tanking, causes far right suburban violence to leak into modern rock n roll culture, creating the material conditions necessary for the simpsons to be real
Did you hear about the theory that The Simpsons is actually soft disclosure of a small middle-American town slowly succumbing to a reactor leak? From what I remember the lynchpin was it all being in reverse chronological order, explaining the "deterioration" of colour and character design.
Did you hear about the theory that The Simpsons is actually soft disclosure of a small middle-American town slowly succumbing to a reactor leak? From what I remember the lynchpin was it all being in reverse chronological order, explaining the "deterioration" of colour and character design.

could you share the link to that theory here, if possible?
Did you hear about the theory that The Simpsons is actually soft disclosure of a small middle-American town slowly succumbing to a reactor leak? From what I remember the lynchpin was it all being in reverse chronological order, explaining the "deterioration" of colour and character design.
this is exactly the kinda thing that would’ve freaked me out when i was 12
Esoteric Conservatism: A History, by Bruce Oakley[1]

As American conservatism fell into a constant stage of opposition throughout the so-called “Long Decades” (1960-1992), it began to embrace many “counterculture” movements, which, while originally infiltrated by Communistic elements, began to be purified in conservative tradition as their young members grew older. Soon, a new form of spiritualism came to be in the modern Republican Party, and while its members clashed with the old “Religious Right”, their values were pure. Soon the old communistic New Deal order was kicked out, and in its place we returned to the free market…”

[1] Oakley, a high school football star-turned-dentist-turned-conservative historian, is a former member of the John Birch Society, explaining some of the language here.

1969-1977: Billy Graham (Democratic)
1968 def. (with John Pastore) Richard Nixon (Republican), George Wallace (American)
1972 def. (with John Pastore) George Murphy (Republican), Ralph Nader (New), John Schmitz (American)

1977-1985: Ted Kennedy (Democratic)
1976 def. (with Charles Woods) Jim Rhodes (Republican), Ron Dellums (New)
1980 def. (with Charles Woods) Ron Paul (Republican), Pete McCloskey (New)

1985-1993: Charles Woods (Democratic)
1984 def. (with Hugh Carey) Ron Paul (Republican)
1988 def. (with Hugh Carey) Dick Lamm (Republican)

1993-1995: Dick Randolph (Republican)[2]
1995-2001: Alexander Barron (Republican)[3]
1992 def. (with Alexander Barron) Bruce Sundlun (Democratic), Pat Robertson (Values)
1996 def. (with Christine Todd Whitman) Fob James (Values), Ken Eikenberry (Democratic)

[2] Died in plane crash over Alaska
[3] Son of Austrian esoteric Lea Hirsig, ITTL he becomes a leader in the New Age movement and then its extreme Libertarian-conservative element.
creating the “worst post of all time” by using the lyrics to hellcats & trackhawks to connect to the kennedy family here’s what i got so far

only the family in my eyes, bitch we got each other - robert
i just popped a perc and drank a gallon man that hurt my stomach - jack
doin the dash inside the lamb that shit had make me vomit - ted

definitely still a work in progress but i think if i find the right genius lyric card and video editor i can create what they call “online 9/11”

1945-1949: Henry Wallace / vacant (Democratic)
1945: Deciding not to utilize the atomic bomb, the United States, China, and Soviet Union begin a joint invasion of Japan, ending the war in 1946 with a Japanese surrender.
1945: The Morgenthau Plan is put into place, splitting Germany into three, with the "Western Occupation Zone" becoming pastoralized and decimated to prevent an industrialized Germany from rising again. However, Southern and Northern Germany are united into a neutral Republic led by Kurt Schumacher in 1949.
1946: Japan is divided into three occupation zones, one controlled by the Chinese, one by the Soviets, and one by America.
1946: The Chinese Civil War officially ends with a KMT-CPC "joint government" and a "Neutral China" policy enforced by the United States and USSR.
1946: "Intelligence Coup", a plot led by J. Edgar Hoover, is discovered, as such a major "overhaul" of the intelligence system is led by Wallace and the Senate.
1947: Leaders of the USA Intelligence Community:
Chair of HUAC: J.W. Robinson (D-UT)
Secretary of State: Alger Hiss
Attorney General: Tom Clark
Director of the FBI: Vincent Hallinan
Director of OSS: Donald Wheeler
1947: The FBI begins heavy investigations into Southern segregationist networks, with the plan to "undermine white supremacist structure".
1947: The "March on Washington" by several African-American leaders is met by Henry Wallace, who signs executive order ending discrimination in Armed Forces and D.C. government during march.
1947: Wallace and OSS back overthrow of Spanish government led by Francisco Franco, and its replacement with a left-leaning (but publicly neutral) democratic government led by Bernardo Giner de los Ríos. Rios notably leads a "third way" between Communism and Capitalism, and also begins the long decolonization within Europe, by releasing Spanish colonies in Morocco. Portugal, fearing something similar, begins a pact with MI6 to put down any sort of similar rebellion within their borders.
1948: Taft-Hartley Act fails to override Pres. Wallace's veto, is put down.
1948: Recognition of State of Israel by Pres. Wallace.
1948: Popular Democratic Front wins Italian Elections.
1948: United Party forms coalition with Labour in South Africa

1948 Election:
Henry Wallace / Claude Pepper (Democratic) - 310 EVs
Robert Taft / Earl Warren (Republican) - 162 EVs
Benjamin Travis Laney / James Eastland (State's Rights) - 59 EVs

1949-1953: Henry Wallace / Claude Pepper (Democratic)
1949: North, South, and West Germany unite, join "Third Way" alliance with Spain and Italy.
1949: Universal Healthcare Passed within Congress.
1950: Mitchell Report, 2002: The OSS & State Department pressure a Labour-Liberal-CPGB coalition into power after a UK election without a majority.
1950: Public Housing is desegregated by Wallace administration.
1951: HUAC begins investigation of several public officials for "Nazi and KKK ties", southern representatives across nation are arrested. In response, many "Dixiecrats" stand against Wallace administration, forming "Sovereignty Clubs" across the south to oppose "Northern interference".
1951: After pressure from the OSS, South Africa begins integration
1952: T.R.M Howard begins protests in Mississippi against segregation at gas stations and violence within Mississippi highway patrol. Wallace and FBI back Howard and begin investigation of several Southern police agencies.
1952: The Mau Mau Rebellion begins, backed by the OSS and Soviet Union to support decolonization.
1952: The State's Rights Party is formed as a national vehicle, getting ballot access in 25 states, although Democratic leadership in several states successfully keeps them off the ballot, notably including Louisiana as the Long Family gains even more power.

Eliot Roosevelt / Roy Turner (Democratic) - 303 EVs
Henry Cabot Lodge / John Bricker (Republican) - 147 EVs
Douglas MacArthur / George Smathers (State's Rights) - 81 EVs

1953-1961: Eliot Roosevelt / Roy Turner (Democratic)
1953: Brown v. Board - School desegregation is ordered by Supreme Court, FBI begins to take serious action to back desegregation against Southern governments.
1953: D.A. "Jelly" Bryce is appointed Director of the FBI, his "cowboy" leadership leads to notable high profile takedowns of white supremacist groups.
1953: Carroll Gartin is arrested for anti-desegregation disobedience and connections to the KKK, southern riots are put down.
1954: "Second March on Washington" led by A. Phillip Randolph begins, leads to signings of Civil Rights Acts (1954-1957) [just imagine the 1964 & 1968 ones scattered]
1954: "Path of Southern Resistance" begins as various white supremacist groups try to take up arms against the administration, Roosevelt leads takedown of white supremacist groups, and begins "Second Reconstruction" as "De-Klanification" occurs in South.
1954: As integration is resisted by many white members of South Africa, the OSS overthrows United government, replacing it with a multiethnic government led by Howard Strachan, which transitions towards integration much faster. Although whites attempt to take up arms, various militas crush them. Multiethnic elections are held in 1957.
1954: State's Rights Party is banned for "connections to KKK" and "insubordination"
1955: For mismanagement of the "Mau Mau Crisis" and "Communist Subversion" the Labour-Liberal-CPGB government (re-elected in 1954) is overthrown by Harold Alexander, leading to a far-right dictatorship in the UK.
1956: The OSS backs opponents of the Alexander regime in a general strike.

Eliot Roosevelt / Roy Turner (Democratic) - 352 EVs
Harold Stassen / Margret Chase Smith (Republican) - 179 EVs

1957: Eliot Roosevelt calls for "Winds of Change" to "Strike Africa" and begins to back decolonization movements publicly.
1957: The Portuguese government, a strong opponent of Roosevelt's, is overthrown, as the Salazar regime is replaced with Francisco Pereira de Moura, who falls ideologically in line with Spain, Italy, and Germany.
1958: Charles De Gualle takes power in France
1958: As the US boycotts and backs its opponents, the Harold Alexander regime steps down, and UK elections are held in 1958.
1958: Jack Anderson, who allegedly had information on several of President Roosevelt's "affairs", is assassinated by (later to be discovered) members of the OSS.
1958: The CPUSA wins its first house election in a fusion ticket with the American Labor Party, electing Benjamin Davis Jr., with the help of Paul Robeson and Vito Marcantonio. Despite calls for his removal, Davis is seated.
1958: Aneurin Bevan is elected in a Labour-CPGB-Socialist League coalition in the United Kingdom, later findings would show significant OSS participation in the election.
1959: Kenya is given independence under Bevan regime, greater African decolonization continues.

Howard Carwile / Orville Freeman (Democratic) - 294 EVs
Thomas Kuchel / Norris Cotton (Republican) - 243 EVs

1961-1969: Howard Carwile / Orville Freeman (Democratic)
1961: Pres. Carwile begins "Clean-Up" of U.S. government, sending "Jelly" Bryce on various missions to root out Mafia and other corrupt influences within the federal government.
1961: Walter Sisulu becomes the first Native African President of South Africa after a two-round presidential election.
1961: "Michigan Corruption Trials" begin, indicting 43 leaders of the Michigan Republican Party.
1961: The Conservative Party is formed by William Buckley and Lamar Hunt in opposition to the increasingly moderate and "submissive" Republican Party, and "extreme left" Democratic Party
1962: Algeria gains independence
1962: Charles De Gualle is assassinated, and a new Communist-Socialist Pact soon gains power in France.
1962: In controversial statement, Joe Kennedy II, a key conservative candidate, attacks the Democratic Party as "anti-Catholic" in Massachusetts gubernatorial race
1962: William Momyer quits United States military over "subversive influences"
1963: Edwin Walker is assassinated in Dallas, pinned on future Vice President Lee Harvey Oswald
1963: Memphis Riots: Riots occur in Memphis, Tennessee, inspiring Carwile's "Second Round" of Civil Rights legislation. Despite Conservative Party opposition, much of the legislation is passed.
1963: The "Urban Revival Plan" is passed, providing 145 Million over 10 years towards cities, while also providing significant reform of present zoning laws.
1963: Attorney General Estes Kefauver is assassinated by the Mob, Carwile continues his "war on Mafia" afterwards, now led by Roy Cohn.
1964: The conservative wing of the Republican Party walks out and joins the Conservatives after the nomination of Elmer Anderson.
1964: The CPUSA, American Labor Party, Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, and various others, nominate a so-called "Popular Front" ticket, challenging Carwile from the left.

Howard Carwile / Orville Freeman (Democratic) - 305 EVs
William Momyer / Bill Buckley (Conservative) - 201 EVs
Elmer Anderson / Bill Scranton (Republican) - 32 EVs
Benjamin Davis Jr. / Lee Pressman (Popular Front) - 0 EVs
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