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Drake's Drum


The ascension of the United States, to the status of the world’s unchallenged hegemon was caused, in no small part, by the American biker gangs. This may seem an extraordinary claim at first glance, but causality in this case is clear and inarguable.
Three British Prime Ministers from DD4.

L to R

Roy Jenkins (Liberal) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 5/4/1976–22/4/80.
Margaret Thatcher (Conservative) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 22/4/80–15/2/91.
Dr. David Owen (Liberal) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 26/5/94–2/12/02.

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Three Presidents from the Drake's Drum timeline.

L to R

Ronald Reagan (Republican) President of the United States 20/1/77-20/1/85
Albert Gore (Democrat) President of the United States 20/1/93-20/1/01
Mickey Leland (Democrat) President of the United States 20/1/01-20/1/05

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