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Biaggi’s Other Opium Den

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The Marble Index - Nico, 1968: It’s insane how much weird white woman music is very clearly inspired by this. I credit this album for Joanna Newsom, Bjork, Lingua Ignota and probably Áine O’Dwyer. So much swag - 7.5/10
nico is hilarious because she was awful on TV&U (btw john cale top 3 rock artist of the 1960s) and then when she left velvet underground started sucking ass and she started making very very very good music. weird broad
obviously not complete yet but here’s my t10 artists of the 1960s as i go through a 60s binge (@AnActualFam check THIS out):

1. Charles Mingus
2. John Coltrane
3. Bob Dylan
4. John Fahey
5. La Monte Young
6. Max Roach
7. Cecil Taylor
8. Nina Simone
9. John Cale
10. Miles Davis

i havent gotten to the late-late 1960s yet so hendrix, who i’ve only revisited his first two albums so far, isn’t on the list just yet. also i’m not nearly as well versed in classical anymore, so shostakovich, who would’ve likely made this list a few months ago is no longer present.

t10 Albums
1. Black Saint and the Sinner Lady - Charles Mingus (10/10)
2. The Olatunji Concert - John Coltrane (10/10)
3. The Well-Tuned Piano - La Monte Young (9.5/10)
4. Blonde On Blonde - Bob Dylan (9/10)
5. We Insist! - Max Roach (9/10)
5. Original Sin - John Lewis (9/10)
6. Nefertiti, The Beautiful One Has Come - Cecil Taylor (9/10)
7. Ascension - John Coltrane (8.5/10)
8. Pastel Blues - Nina Simone (8.5/10)
9. Fantasias for Guitar and Banjo - Sandy Bill (8.5/10)
10. Albert Ayler in Greenwich Village - You’ll never guess who (8.5/10)

Worst Album of the 1960s (in a bad way): Rubber Soul - The Beatles (4.5/10)

Worst Album of the 1960s (in a good way[1]): Musique Barbare - Karel Appel (2.0/10)

again, still incomplete, but i’d just like to say BSSL is the most important album of the post-WW2 era

[1] Horseshoe theory. The worst thing an album can be is a 4.5/10, the representation of boredom + failed experimentation. Boredom is the worst thing music can create. Meanwhile anything below a 4 is “destructive”, therefore good. This system is largely in check because a) it makes me seem smart but more importantly b) it allows me to have more than 4 albums below a 5/10, which is where most peoples scales stop, save for the Buyers Markets of the world.
WACL Wet Dreams:

1939-1975: Francisco Franco (FET y de las JONS)
1968: Juan Carlos de Borbón dies in boating accident
1969: Alfonso, Duke of Anjou and Cádiz designated as Franco’s successor.
1971: Spain joins the silent “Alcora Alliance” with Portugal, Rhodesia, and South Africa
1974: In the aftermath of the Carnation Revolution, Spanish forces aide António de Spínola in counter coup after Communists attempt to take power. US under Pres. Al Quie begin to back Portuguese-Spanish alliance against Iberian and African Communism.

1975-0000: Alfonso XIV (House of Bourbon)
1976: Mass protests against Alfonso, who continues Francoist policies, begin, however, widespread suppression of opposition continues.
1979: Alfonso begins funding Association for American Freedom, a far right American organization founded by John K. Singlaub and funded by the Unification Church after Terry Sanford’s “Korea Scandal”
1979: After “Internal Settlement”, Spain begins backing new “Rhobabwe” state, which receives international (and more importantly UNSC) support from UK and new Prime Minister Keith Joseph. Spain sends forces to oppose Robert Mugabe led Communist forces in Rhobabwe.
1981: Alfonso meets with Pres. John Connally of USA, firestorm of controversy occurs.

1974-1977: Al Quie (Republican)
1977-1981: Terry Sanford (Democratic)
1976 def. (with Adlai Stevenson III) Al Quie (Republican), Eugene McCarthy (Independent)
1977: Humphrey-Hawkins, guaranteeing full employment, passes
1979: Terry Sanford attempts to remove US troops from Korea. In response, many hawkish groups, including those within his own administration (Sec. Scoop Jackson), begin to attack Sanford. Later declassified documents show attempts at a “P.R. Coup”, where scandals promoted by Unification Church-funded press cause Sanford to resign, however, a lack of support from Ted Sorenson’s CIA and Sanford eventually deciding against recalling troops avoids the coup.
1979: Citing “exhaustion”, Terry Sanford announces he won’t run for re-election
1980: Secretary of the Interior
and presidential candidate Frank Church is assassinated by John Hinckley, officially handing the nomination to Secretary of Defense Scoop Jackson. Liberals walk out and back John B. Anderson’s presidential campaign, with Mo Udall becoming Anderson’s running mate.
1980: Fearing a “maverick” foreign policy, the AAF, led by John K. Singlaub, begins to back John Connally over Ronald Reagan. The AAF coaxes “religious right” support to Connally, who ends up taking the nomination.

1981-1989: John Connally (Republican)
1980 def. (with Donald Rumsfeld) Henry M. Jackson (Democratic), John B. Anderson (Independent)
Cabinet of John Connally:

Secretary of State: John K. Singlaub
Secretary of the Treasury: Winton Blount
Secretary of Defense: John McCain
Attorney General: Thad Hutcheson
—Positions No One Cares About—
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Larry McDonald
Director of the CIA: Frank Carlucci
FBI Director: Mark Felt
Chief of Staff: John Tower
1981: John Connally meets with King Alfonso of Spain, causing firestorm of controversy. Soon after he begins backing “Rhobabwe” against Communist forces.
1981: Backed by American white supremacists, Patrick John returns to power in Dominica, begins to host various extreme right groups while backed by South Africa. US “Slush Fund” to paramilitaries through McCain Department of Defense discovered in 2002.
1983: The United States invades Grenada, overthrowing its democratically elected left wing government. Notably they are backed by several paramilitary groups finding homes in Dominica. These groups are seen utilizing extreme brutality on Grenadian people, however, US media ignores much of this, largely at the “request” of the Connally administration. When the Cleveland Plain Dealer attempts to do a report on the use of paramilitaries, their lead journalist Gary Webb is arrested for cocaine possession.
1983: In an attempt to “subvert” communist Vietnamese gov., the Connally administration backs Taiwanese opium trade in Vietnam to “weaken” nation.
1984 def. Adlai Stevenson III (Democratic)
1985: After a collection of air conflicts, the United States declares war on Qaddafi’s Libya, who is tarred as the “worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism”. Spain, Portugal, the UK, Israel, Italy, and France begin backing the US in this effort. Opium usage increases massively in Libya soon after.
1985: The AAF begins associating with members of “LaRouche Movement” using them to spy on “enemies of state”.
1987: Chief of Staff John Tower is found to be a paid associate of Robert Maxwell’s. After being forced to resign, he is assassinated awaiting trial. Some conspiracy theorists promote idea that he was planning to expose “Moonie-AAF-LaRouchist” “deep state”.

1989-0000: Larry McDonald (Republican)
1988 def. (with Gordon Humphrey) Mark White (Democratic)
1989: Reports circulate about AAF-aligned policemen and security leaders “intimidating” voters across USA in 1988 election.
Finally, someone who agrees that Rubber Soul is overrated. Also, I'm such a basic bitch, I have been playing Pet Sounds nonstop for like 3-4 days holy shit, this album is so good it deserves all the praise.
my challenge to anyone is to listen to a basic ravi shankar album and then the sitar portions of rubber soul and somehow go without dying of laughter. it’s like they added it in in post.

pet sounds is only barely excluded here. it’s easily one of the best pop albums of all time, im a huge fan.
Very basic opinion incoming, but the White Album is the nearest the Beatles get to being a good band.

Still outraged biaggi didn't embrace the greatness of Village Green Preservation Society, tho.
I have an even more basic take in that Abbey Road is one of the best albums of all time, then again 1969 to 1972 has like so many amazing albums it's insane.
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