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The Moon Is Red: Apple TV does AH.

Holy. Shit.

Just finished season 3 myself...and yeah. The NK element feels kind of off, though I don't quite think it amounts to jumping the shark as described earlier, and I agree with @M_Kresal that a one-way shot would be plausible (if not necessarily successful/healthy for the chosen astronauts) with the right amount of money, tech and megalomania/hunger for prestige or success. PRC would still have been a better choice IMO, esp. given the teaser in the news clips at the start of the season (although I can imagine Apple's worries on that score, as also mentioned), and I kept holding out for a reveal of there being some covert/double-agent (or is it triple-agent??) angle to Margo's actions, with Ellen in the know; ah, well. Ellen's penultimate episode actions were satisfying, though I wonder if they really end what was coming hers and Larry's way. Biggest issue for me was the unsatisfying use of Molly Cobb in the last episode; the newspaper teaser had better be fully explained next season. Lastly, the time-jump, and the mention of a certain OTL President as Secretary*, makes me wonder just how different the political side of the series actually will be from real history in Season 4.

(unless it's Sr., which I find hard to believe given the age factor, but you never know.)
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Well, I think they might have stuck the landing after that shark, and they had themselves a McVeigh moment, which I thought was going to be used for an out for Margo, but no...that's interesting, that's very interesting.
I'm not entirely sure that Helium 3 would have solved all the Soviet Unions problems, so the fact that it's seemingly creaked on to 2003 is puzzling, but we'll see how they pan that out. Fully agree that Molly Cobb was wronged there.

So, yeah, managed to recover from a stumble, we'll see how the next season pans out.
although I can imagine Apple's worries on that score, as also mentioned

It's really unfortunate that companies doing bit stuff have to worry about China going "showing us in a way we might not like? ALL BANNED", if the end result is an alternative history about the space race that China can't ever be part of.
I'm on a free trial of Apple TV (shit service btw) that ends early in January, is For All Mankind worth watching through before my deal expires?
Thought of a better FAM Presidents List:

1972-80: Birch Bayh (D)
1980-1988: George H. W. Bush (R)
1988-1996: Joe Biden (D)
1996-2000: Ellen Wilson (I)
2000-?: Al Gore (D)
Thought of a better FAM Presidents List:

1972-80: Birch Bayh (D)
1980-1988: George H. W. Bush (R)
1988-1996: Joe Biden (D)
1996-2000: Ellen Wilson (I)
2000-?: Al Gore (D)

Honest I was surprised

That Ellen stayed President. I thought she was standing down as president to live with Pam. Thats what I wrote in my unfinished FAM TL. Then her VP Bragg is stuck with a much more centrist Republican party

TBH Ellen being a Republican never really made much sense to me. I guess because she was appointed by Reagan and met with Atwater.