Still not sure if this is in good taste or not, but it's not as if this contest can spare any lists.
To Break The Rod and Rend The Gyve
Governor-Generals of Freetown Colony
1776-1778: General Sir Guy Carleton
1778-1785: Colonel Thomas Carleton
1785-1792: Lieutenant John Clarkson
1792-1799: Colonel Titus "Tye" Murray
Governors of the Crown Colony of Jubilee
Thomas Peters (Independent (as Mayor of Freetown))
1796: Second Maroon War ends; surrendered Maroons offered settlement in Jubilee
Gowan Pamphlet ("Methodist" faction (as Mayor of Freetown))
Zachary Macaulay ("Company" faction)
1800: Rum Affair; Ishmael York imprisoned for trading spirits without a governing license, Gowan Pamphlet removed from office for attempting to pardon him
1804: Macaulay vetoes rival candidates for Governor; Commissary Officer Olaudah Equiano resigns in protest, runs as anti-Company candidate
Olaudah Equiano ("Nationalist" faction)
1805: Petition to dissolve Sierra Leone Company's executive power over Jubilee submitted to Parliament
1807: Parliamentary petition succeeds; Equiano steps down in favour of deputy and returns to London
Isaac Anderson (Sons of Africa)
1808: Franchise extended to property-holders among native population willing to swear loyalty oath
1809: Jubilee passes resolution of recognition of Haitian independence; General Biassou establishes an embassy
1812: German Coast slave uprising occurs; survivors escape to Jubilee via Haiti
Harry Hosier (Methodist People's)
1817: New Nantucket and New Baltimore founded as settlements for repatriation of New Englander, Marylander, freedmen with Sierra Leone Company assistance
William Easmon (Sons of Africa)
Lott Cary (Sons of Africa)
1828: Hut War; tribal bloc voting under auspice enacted in exchange for renewal of "hut tax" per dwelling
Lott Cary ("Exterior" Sons of Africa)
Denmark Vesey (Methodist People's)
1832: Virginian Slave Rebellion occurs; survivors, including leader Nathaniel Turner, escape to Jubilee via Haiti
Lott Cary ("Exterior" Sons of Africa)
Richard Preston (Methodist People's)
1840: Signs of the Trees Affair; Reverend Nathaniel Turner chastised for blasphemy, Methodist congregation splits between Turnerites and Conventionists
Sengbe Pieh ("Interior" Sons of Africa)
1844: Third Seminole War ends in stalemate between Seminole forces and Republic of Georgia; Black Seminoles offered land in Jubilee
John B. Russwurm ("Exterior" Sons of Africa)
George William Nicol ("Exterior" Sons of Africa)
0000: Martin Delany (Ethiopian People's)
1862: Ripley Affair: Captain Robert Smalls hijacks the CCS Ripley on a "trade mission" to Whydah and sails to Jubilee, seeking sanctuary
1863: Jubilee declares state of hostilities with Confederation of the Carolinas without British consent; marked as the start of Jubileean independence by some authors
This week, the source inconsistent with reality is a speech given on the eve of the First Caroline War.
Today, I believe, gentlemen, as we embark upon a sacred and righteous cause, is a good time to look to the past.
Once, we were sojourners in a far land, exiled an ocean away from our homes, eking out an existence at gun-barrel point. It was not on our strength that we survived, but on our wits, and on our faith. Every day, we plowed fields that weren't ours to grow crops others ate [Inconsistency Theme: Falsehood. Most slaves were growing cotton, which is not eaten. 5 Points], and dragged our feet home to think of ways to obtain deliverance, and pray for it when those ways could not be found. And one day, by the power of continual prayer, deliverance arrived. [Inconsistency Theme: Religious explanation for world events. 5 Points]
The old world, carrying itself over to address an imbalance in the new [Inconsistency Theme: Centering of self (enslaved peoples) in historical narrative. 10 points.] laid down the iron rod upon those who held us in bondage, and encouraged us to unshackle ourselves, to fight for freedom [Inconsistency theme: Overidealistic gloss, Dunmore merely wished to obtain a temporary distraction against the Patriots. 5 points.]. We had with us the wits we had earned and guarded with us, and we used them well, outwitting and outmaneuvering the enemy through the dismal swamps and piney woods, freeing our brothers as we went. It was we who fought the first guerilla battles, before the Spanish named it such [Inconsistency theme: Falsehood. Guerilla warfare dates back to Fabius. 5 points.], and we who held the first breechloaders in our hands, before all but Ferguson saw their value. Yet, at the same time, it was not our victory, not yet.
Once again, we were carried off in bondage, but this time, under the banner of a return from exile. The Sierra Leone Company promised the loyal fighters of the American war a new home, but they were not expected to keep it [Inconsistency Theme: Overpessimistic gloss. The main expectation was that the newly freed blacks would continue to be far away--winning or losing didn't come into it. 5 points], merely to hold onto the area for a naval station. The skills of survival we learnt in the fields were turned on the wilderness of the Pepper Coast, and we did not back down from the challenge [Inconsistency Theme: Overoptimistic gloss. Jubileean presence inland was severely limited, and effective control over the interior has arguably not yet been gained. 10 points.]. By the beginning of this century, Freetown had grown into a settlement worthy of its name, surveilling over hundreds of acres of rice paddies and millet fields, patrolled by Black Brigaders wielding Ferguson breechloaders. The pretense that we were unworthy of governing ourselves could no longer be made.
The Company clung onto us with force and fraud, denigrating our faith and trampling on our freedoms with trumped-up charges [Inconsistency theme: Falsehood. It's generally agreed York was selling rum illegally. 5 Points]. It took a living martyr to their self-professed abolitionist cause--the same one we fight for today in sincerity [Inconsistency theme: Hypocrisy. Jubileean authorities condoned slavery among interior chiefs until well into the 1880s. 10 points.]--to force them to see us as thinking beings, not mere passive children. United with our true brothers from across the seas [Inconsistency theme: Centering of self (Jubilee) in historical narrative. Haiti and Jubilee were ultimately very different societies, and only became diplomatically intertwined after independence. 5 points.] we began to prosper, not just as a British lapdog [Inconsistency theme: Falsehood. Jubilee remained a British anti-slaving and trading station until around a decade after this speech. 5 points.] but as a nation in our own right, one that married the best traditions of two worlds, and served as a refuge for those caught between them.
Seeking to free our enslaved brothers [Inconsistency theme: Overidealistic gloss. The establishment of the Slave Roads was useful as a way to obtain greater numbers of civilised citizenry for interior colonisation. 5 points.] we extended, again and again, safe passage to our shores for the enslaved. From the first settlements established by Cuffey [Inconsistency theme: Overidealistic gloss. Cuffey was engaged in similar practices to the Sierra Leone Company, exporting freed black populations from the Americas. 10 points.], these arrivals have enriched our soil, bringing with them talent, wisdom, and a great and sincere faith [Inconsistency theme: Falsehood. Turnerite Methodism's effects on Jubliee have been, while major, mixed. 5 points.], one that shows clearly our own ordination by divine providence [Inconsistency theme: Religious explanation for world events, Centering of self (enslaved peoples) in historical narrative. 15 points.] as a second Mosaic army, one with one holy mission. One which you shall set out on today.
Today, we draw the sword of righteousness. [Inconsistency theme: Inaccuracy. No actual swords were used during the First Caroline War. 5 points.] Today, we wipe away the tear from the eye of the slave. [Inconsistency theme: Overoptimistic gloss. Living standards for Carolinans did not significantly improve until several years after the war was over. 5 points.] Today, we begin a final victory over the barbarous and inhuman practice of slavery. [Inconsistency theme: Overoptimistic gloss. Subsequent Caroline, Georgian, and Virginia Wars continued for the next few decades. 5 points.] The struggle will be hard, arduous, beyond any foe you have fought before, but it must be a struggle. As Turner put it, such is our luck, such we are called to see, and let it come rough or smooth, we must surely bare it.
Now, go! To bring Jubilee to Georgia! [Inconsistency theme: None. They did.]