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  • By the way, i was reading a bit on your When The World Held Your Breath article series for reference, and what bibliography did you use for them?
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    Reactions: The Red
    The Red
    It was mostly work by David Glantz, David Stahel and John Erickson; if there was something to particular you were looking for I could probably dig it up?
    Drizzly Mary
    Ah, i was interested on the dispositions of the Kwantung Army and the Far Eastern Front, as well as if the Soviets aren’t asleep on the wheel and their ability to mobilize earlier.
    Drizzly Mary
    Also just brought me to the realization that most “well-regarded” WWII TLs saw the Eastern Front as kind of a sideshow—despite being the raison d’etre of Nazi policy—and usually the Soviets aren’t portrayed with as much care as the Americans, British or Free French.

    Yooo they made Decisive Darkness in real life???
    Hello hello! Haven't been on SLP in a while, how are you doing!
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    Reactions: The Red
    The Red
    Hi! Good to hear from you! I’m doing well thanks hope you’re good? I’ve actually started a new TL on here if you fancied checking it out, would love to hear your views!
    Drizzly Mary
    I’ve checked it out, it seems interesting though i cannot commrnt further
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