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NEW RELEASES: The Misfit Squadron series

Congratulations to @Simon Brading for the release of these titles and their fantastic new covers - can't wait to get reading and reviewing when I can!

Also can I just say something about the covers by @Lord Roem that have been done for the four titles? I saw them on the Kindle last week when scrolling through the AH listings, and I've been wanting to say something since then. They are incredible, especially for Books 1 and 3 of the series. I think they may be the best that Roem has ever done - if SLP ever does get to make prints and posters for covers, these definitely need to be first from the printers. I'd definitely have them up in the study
I have to say 3 is one of my favorite covers that Lord Roem's done to date: the vector drawing really makes static work pop in a way that not much else does. The dogfighting ones are a little... well, odd, to my eyes, but that may just be me looking for things that got left out like cowlings. I am mildly surprised, though, that these poor bastards are stuck dogfighting in Hurricanes for the whole series- I know those didn't last long in that role for a reason.
The dogfighting ones are a little... well, odd, to my eyes, but that may just be me looking for things that got left out like cowlings. I am mildly surprised, though, that these poor bastards are stuck dogfighting in Hurricanes for the whole series- I know those didn't last long in that role for a reason.

Hi Tabac!
The images of the aircraft were deliberately kept simple and plain, details like flaps, ailerons, cowlings etc were left out.
As for dogfighting in Hurricanes (or the Steampunk analogue that the RAC fly) - there are reasons, the principle one of which is that the timeline for these first four books is only from July 1940 to December 1940 and this is not nearly the whole series!
I have to say 3 is one of my favorite covers that Lord Roem's done to date: the vector drawing really makes static work pop in a way that not much else does. The dogfighting ones are a little... well, odd, to my eyes, but that may just be me looking for things that got left out like cowlings. I am mildly surprised, though, that these poor bastards are stuck dogfighting in Hurricanes for the whole series- I know those didn't last long in that role for a reason.

Even in the first book, there's a surprising variety of fighting aircraft, and even more that are hinted at; there's a delightful sequence where some Misfits visit a London toy shop with a floor dedicated to aircraft models that Mr Brading cleverly uses to illustrate the world's military aircraft
They are incredible, especially for Books 1 and 3 of the series. I think they may be the best that Roem has ever done - if SLP ever does get to make prints and posters for covers, these definitely need to be first from the printers. I'd definitely have them up in the study

They're like propaganda posters from in-universe