Very well said. Another weird thing to add to all those "weird shuttle related things" I mentionned there.
I mean, the NRO / KH-9 connection and also the even weirder Soviet mis-understanding of the Shuttle economics.
Both silly things being related through the Vandenberg SLC-6 launch complex.
If I were to summarize that thing further, it would be in the shape of some kind of bizarre chatting between NASA and the US military, with the Soviets coming late into the conversation, and in full Cosmo Kramer mode. Yeah, that would be the thing...
Seinfeld space policy. With NASA as Jerry, and the US military being either George or Elaine. The Soviets being obviously Kosmo Kramer (Kosmo being perfect for Soviet / Russian space).
NASA "we need the military satellites to fill the payload bay"
The US military "Sure, why not ?
but we request
- a huge payload bay for KH-9
- reuse of the half-finished MOL pad
- because KH-9 has to go into polar orbit
- and we also want a delta wing to return Vandenberg after a single orbit"
NASA "dang. Well, ok, look, here is the Shuttle as you requested it. Now you help us funding it, and getting through Congress and OMB, because they are making our lives a misery..."
The US military "hmmm, what ? ah, yes, that Shuttle thing, oh, well, we don't intend to launch the KH-9 with it, Titan III is fine, but thank you for the effort nonetheless, and goodbye."
The Soviets "wait, what's that thing with Vandenberg ? dang, the Shuttle is a nuclear bomber to incinerate the Politburo in a decapitation strike"
Seriously, just by reading that, it sounds like bad sci-fi. Badly written, somewhat disjointed.