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Kaleos's Test Thread

One Reliance | List of Presidents
One Reliance
1845-1849: Former Pres. Martin Van Buren of New York / Gov. James K. Polk of Tennessee (Democratic)
1844: def. Former Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky / Former Rep. Millard Fillmore of New York (Whig), Pres. John Tyler of Virginia / Former Vice Pres. Richard M. Johnson of Kentucky (Independent)

-Van Buren positions himself in tepid support of Texas annexation prior to the DNC, subsequently is able to narrowly win the nomination on the 1st ballot.
-Tyler reluctantly throws his support behind Van Buren, waiting until the 11th hour to do so.
-With the broad support of northern Democrats and expansionists, Van Buren is able to win by carrying important states like New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Michigan.
-Clay gains ground in the South by winning Louisiana, Georgia, and Tennessee, while also capturing Indiana and Ohio due to general western disdain for Van Buren.
-Tyler wins South Carolina, with the legislature refusing to support Van Buren.

1849-1850: Vice Pres. James K. Polk of Tennessee / Sen. John Adams Dix of New York (Democratic)
1848: def. Sen. John M. Clayton of Delaware / Lt. Gov. Hamilton Fish of New York (Whig)

-Van Buren oversees a relatively tense tenure in office, staving off conflict with Mexico.
-The Independent Treasury is created and tariff rates are lowered across the board.
-Having served two terms, Van Buren makes it clear he does not intend to run for a third.
-With the President's support Polk is able to easily win the Democratic nomination, with Van Buren ally in the Senate, John A. Dix, being chose to serve as his running-mate.
-Whigs nominate southerner John M. Clayton for the Presidency, an intense Nationalist and opponent of expansion.

-The main talking point of the election is Manifest Destiny, with Polk promising a favorable settlement on the Oregon issue which would include 54-40.
-The North and West, more favorable to northern expansion into Oregon and Canada, swing to Polk as he flips Indiana and Ohio.
-Clayton is able to expand Whig fortunes in the South by flipping Virginia and Mississippi, though fails to expand into the north.

1850-1853: Vice Pres. John Adams Dix of New York / Office Vacant (Democratic)

-The Oregon dispute spills over into outright military conflict with the United Kingdom.
-American and British soldiers skirmish in the disputed Oregon territory, causing Polk to ask congress for a declaration of war.
-In late 1850, with war raging in Canada and Oregon territory, Polk dies of cholera.
-Dix ascends to the Presidency amidst war with Britain.
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Bound To Be True | List of Presidents
Bound To Be True

1861-1869: Former Rep. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois / Military Gov. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee (Republican)
1860: def. Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois / Former Gov. Herschel V. Johnson of Georgia (Democratic), Vice President John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky / Sen. Joseph Lane of Oregon (Southern Democratic), Sen. John Bell of Tennessee / Former Sen. Edward Everett of Massachusetts
1864: def. Gen. George B. McClellan of New Jersey / Rep. George H. Pendleton of Ohio (Democratic)


Commanding Gen. Ulysses S. Grant of Illinois / Sen. Benjamin Wade of Ohio (Republican)

1868: def. Former Gov. Horatio Seymour of New York / Former Rep. Francis P. Blair of Missouri (Democratic)


Former Pres. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois / Former Gov. Andrew G. Curtin of Pennsylvania (Liberal)

1872: def. Pres. Ulysses S. Grant of Illinois / Vice Pres. Benjamin Wade of Ohio (Republican)

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Bound To Be True | 1872 Electoral Map

I decided to cook up an electoral map for that (unfinished) timeline I posted a bit ago. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I do believe it is a truly interesting timeline.

[L] Abraham Lincoln / Andrew G. Curtin - 215 (58.74%)

[R] Ulysses S. Grant / Benjamin Wade - 151 (41.26%)
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