Alternate Wikibox Thread

gentleman biaggi

Anti United Ireland Catholic
Gone Fishing
he/they is fine
As a newcomer on your very fabulous site, I’ve noticed the lack of a full wikibox thread that could just be a place to post whatever boxes people find enjoyable or would like to post for wider community to see. If an attempt has already been made, I’m sorry, and I’ll post there.

Anyways, here’s some nice Nixony wikiboxes + write ups I posted at the OldPlace (tm)

It is said Richard Nixon's presidency revolved around the nuclear age. His inauguration saw the city of Goldsboro suffer a nuclear weapon dropped on it, his war in Cuba saw Posadists use a "dirty bomb", he received a Nobel Peace Prize (and reelection in '68) for his ability to create a nuke-free way to end the Sino-Indian War in '67, his third term saw the third usage of nuclear weapons in battle, as the Chinese and Soviets warred over borders, and by then Nixon had too large of a consensus. He then saw Switzerland develop nuclear arms, the South African war use them, the near usage of the Sampson Option, and in his final term and days, development of nuclear weapons by the United Gulf Republics in the fears of more Shas and Kings returning. Nixon saw destruction of human life that Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt had prayed would never occur. The Cold War was over, the Hot Wars, however, had begun. But to a majority of Americans, Nixon won't be remembered for the nuclear age, he will be remembered as the man who ruled America for a longer period of time than many kings did their kingdoms. Seven straight terms, and then another half term for measure. Nixon's presidency outlived the Democrats, who entered 1961 with a senate supermajority, and in 1976, collapsed under the weight of regional and tribal divisions. The replacement was the Opposition Party, a cobbled unit of former northern Democrats, Rockefeller Republicans, a few compromising Birchers, and some peaceniks out west. When Nixon first left office, it was of his own accord, he was too old, had seen too much. Nixon had done things in his term that were unthinkable in 1960, when he was first elected. He entered 1961 with 50 states, and left in 1989 with Taiwan and Puerto Rico as proud additions. Nixon passed so much legislation, that you could pick any number of positive or negative acts. Nixon passed the Civil, Voting, and Equal Rights Acts, created the EPA, annexed Taiwan and purchased Greenland as Europe and Asia fell into chaos. But he also destroyed many New Deal policies, started the "War On Crime", vetoed the "Urban Marshall Plan", and helped Anita Bryant's movement gain prominence to win over voters. To the younger crowd, Nixon's final two years seem out of character. The old man was wheeled out of retirement to take on Al Haig, a once close ally, who Nixon had felt had gone too far as president. Running as an independent instead of as a Republican due to his inability to unseat Haig (much like Teddy Roosevelt 80 years prior). Nixon narrowly defeated Haig, but failed to do much in his last year or so. He died in office, as many expected him to, and left John Grunseth to pick up the pieces of his legacy.
Hubbard is one of the three officially autonomous regions in the United States of America. While the other two generally make sense from a cultural standpoint, with Puerto Rico and Taiwan/Formosa being very much culturally different from the mainland US, Hubbard is much different. During the 1990s, the "Church" of Scientology came under an increasingly political leadership, and with president Lamm clamping down on their tax protections, the Church decided to carve out a reigon for themselves. The "Free State for Scientologists Committee" decided on the steampipe of Idaho, and within a few years, the Aryan Nation, crazy Mormons, the remains of some Anarcho-Primitivists and Freak Powerers were shaken out by the Church's large pockets. In 2003, they were able to form their own state, and while many of their celebrity supporters didn't want to live in bumfuck Idaho, they were much more willing to buy a large ranch estate to visit twice a year. In 2005, thanks to the protections of the Regional Autonomy Act of 2003, they formed their own autonomous region, which is pretty much a state with a lot more freedom to do whatever, but is also regulated heavily by the Department of Autonomous Regions and secretary Ozzie Meyers, who officially has veto power over the state legislature and government. For years, the governor's mansion was controlled by the Union For Scientology's Future, an "Alliance" (the state of Hubbard has no political parties), that was largely controlled by the Church and its leadership. In 2010, the UFSF elected Kendrick Moxon with 98.1% of the vote. However, the church's stances against homosexual rights under Governor Moxon caused controversy, and actor Paul Haggis (who very much resembled the celebrities who only lived in Hubbard a few months out of the year) challenged Moxon for the governorship. Haggis became the first member of the church to challenge the UFSF's power in the region ever (with Bo Gritz, a non-Scientologist, running in 2004, and opposition being very divided in 2006 and 2010). Moxon ran a dirty campaign, with attacks on Haggis's sexuality being common, a war chest lead by the Church's large bank account, and there was reports of "voting irregularities" in some pro-Haggis areas. Haggis gained support from more left-wing members of the Church, some reformers, and the occasional defector who couldn't leave the region due to financial issues. Haggis's loss and attacks on his sexuality and downright open vote-rigging caused his eventual exit from the party, but Moxon and friends controlled the region for at least another four years....

Alternate 1984 election without an invasion of the Falklands
"As the 1984 Election carried on in controversy, Gar Alperovitz, the author once decried for his radicalism, saw followers of his 'Commonwealth' ideology arise in congress. The first was pretty obvious, ex-Sheriff and resident of Youngstown Jim Traficant aligned himself with Alperovitz, although he was more brash and bold on social issues, the mix of conservative and Commonwealth issues insured his election to the house in Ohio's 17th District over Republican Lyle Williams, who was increasingly unpopular among the population. The other was more surprising, Norman Mailer, a Libertarian won the Libertarian Party its second congressional seat on a strangely Alperovitz-aligned platform of making New York more of a local town and other small-city Libertarian ideals. Mailer was to the far left of his party and often came at odds with the main Libertarian establishment. While the other two members of the caucus didn't completely embody the Commonwealth ideology, the third one, who had just beat cancer a second time, certainly did...."
A Bit of Fry in the Lobbies

Following the results of the 1992 United Kingdom General Election, prominent actor, writer and comedian Stephen Fry decides to enter the world of politics. The general election resulted in a surprise Conservative majority of 23 seats. Fry's decision to enter politics was, as he later told journalists, heavily influenced by the result in his constituency of birth, Hampstead and Highgate. The new Conservative candidate, the little known Oliver Letwin, managed to succeed his party colleague Geoffrey Finsburg as Member of Parliament, This confounded the swing of the overall election, and Letwin managed to hold the seat for the Conservatives with a majority of 12 votes over the Labour candidate, former actress Glenda Jackson. This made Hampstead and Highgate the most marginal seat in the country that year.

Though he was entering the world of politics, Fry was still part of A Bit of Fry and Laurie when he made the announcement. He stated that he would attempt to be selected as the Labour Party candidate for his home constituency of Hampstead and Highgate. Thankfully for Fry, Glenda Jackson stated that she did not want to try for selection again, and Fry was easily selected to become the new Labour Party candidate. A Bit of Fry and Laurie came to an end in 1995, before the next election was held, for reasons unrelated to Fry's political career. Later episodes of the series would make reference to Fry's new coming career.

Eventually, the next election came in 1997, and Labour were sweeped into power with a phenominal landslide like none ever seen before. Oliver Letwin lost his seat by a colossal margin, by such a margin in fact that from then on Hampstead and Highgate was a safe seat. Stephen Fry's election to parliament was a highly publicised event, and all of the main news outlets had cameras inside the count for the seat. The new Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair, did at times meet with Stephen Fry to see if he was interested in becoming a minister, but Fry always politely declined.

By the time that the Iraq War came around, Stephen Fry became extremely disillusioned with the Labour leadership, and became one of Labour's most fierce backbenchers. From the time shortly after the September 11th attacks, he had formed a close partnership with similarly inclined backbench MPs John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn, and became one of the inaugural co-chairs of the Stop the War Coalition in September 2001 along with Andrew Murray, a post he would serve for the ensuing 14 years, later co-chairing with Corbyn. Along with McDonnell, Corbyn and Dennis Skinner, he voted against the Iraq War. He came very close to resigning from the Labour Party, but decided that he would try to reform it from within.

By 2007, he was openly calling for Tony Blair to resign the leadership of the party, and openly celebrated his resignation when Blair eventually announced it in May of that year. His fierce opposition to the Labour leadership came to an end on 27 June 2007, when one Gordon Brown acceeded to the Labour throne, and therefore also as Prime Minister. Brown, who promised to be a different political figure to Blair, offered Fry a cabinet post in the cabinet reshuffle, and, with Blair out of the picture, Fry accepted. Succeeding Tessa Jowell, Stephen Fry rather appropriately becomes the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, though he focused on Culture and Media and left the Sport aspect mainly to his under-secretaries and appointed ministers. His work in this field as Culture Secretary was highly praised from both sides of the house.

Sadly for Fry, this would last less than three years, as Labour were booted out of power in 2010 by the combined forces of David Cameron and Nick Clegg. The coalition that ensued ended 13 years of Labour government. One more time, as soon as the result became clear, he did not partake in the Harman Caretaker Shadow Cabinet, and returned to the backbenches for the second time. When the new leader, Ed Miliband, was elected, he continued to stay on the backbenches and declined an offer of Shadow Health. Interestingly, he continued to do TV during this time, and had hosted the show QI amongst other things since September 2003. He had, in fact, hosted the show even during his tenure as Culture Secretary.

Although on the backbenches between 2010 and 2015, he made a number of memorable interventions during this time. He loudly voiced his praise for the government's gay marriage pledge, and celebrated both when the bill legalising it was enshrined in the law in July 2013, and when same-sex marriages began being conducted in March of 2014. In September 2013, Fry called on the Prime Minister to facilitate a boycott of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia due to their stance on gay rights, during a session of Prime Minister's Question Time. The Prime Minister stated that he did not intend to boycott the Olympics for this, but did state that he would try to bring up the issue in a number of other ways. Naturally, Fry was not contended with this answer, and later wrote to the PM. In 2014 he publically campaigned for a No vote in the Scottish independence referendum, which saw a surprisingly comfortable 58 to 42 margin against independence. In January 2015, he married his partner, Elliot Spencer, in a ceremony that he wanted to keep quiet, but was leaked to the press.

However, his days on the backbenches would soon come to an end as the Conservatives secured a surprise majority in the 2015 general election. Labour lost 30 seats, and the Lib Dems had collapsed, the latter being the main reason behind the Conservatives' surprise majority. During the 2015 election campaign, Cameron had intended to do an interview with the BBC ruling out running for a third termin the event of a victory in the coming election, but after mulling it over with his wife Samantha, he decided against it. After the election results became clear, David Cameron managed to continue on being the Prime Minister. However, this came at a price. Cameron had promised to hold an in/out referendum on the continued membership of the European Union. And this was a promise that he intended to keep. As a europhile, it was a big gamble indeed.

Meanwhile, Miliband had resigned the leadership of the party, and Harriet Harman was left leading a caretaker shadow administration in the meantime, for a second and final time. Harman, who had been Deputy Leader since the accession of Gordon Brown to the premiership, was now resigning. MP for West Bromwich East, Tom Watson, considered standing in the race for the deputy leadership, but eventually declined to run. The frontrunner, Stella Creasy, eventually succeeded in winning the Deputy Leadership by quite a margin. Tom Watson would later write that he completely regretted not standing in the 2015 Deputy Leadership election, as he thought he would have had a very good chance of winning it if he had run.

While this was going on, Stephen Fry was thinking that he might be the person to lead the Labour Party into the next election, and consulted with comrades McDonnell and Corbyn to get a consensus. McDonnell (who had run for the leadership in 2007 and 2010, neither time getting the required nominations to get on the allot) and Corbyn (who had been considering a run for the leadership this time) agreed to let Fry stand for the leadership. Before long, Fry announced his intention to contest the leadership election, a decision which attracted a large amount of media attention. His run was endorsed by McDonnell and seconded by Corbyn. Soon, he amassed the required nominations in order to get onto the ballot. Polling was conducted, and amongst the other candidates; Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall, Stephen Fry consistently came out on top. Fry campaigned to take the Labour Party somewhat more leftward.

In September 2015, the leadership results were announced, and Stephen Fry was elected in the first round on 65.3% of the vote, a landslide. Though the election result was not very much in doubt, the amount that Fry eventually won by was not expected. Stephen Fry was now the Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the Labour Party, the first openly gay major party leader in the country. With his new job as leading the alternative to the government, Stephen Fry resigned from QI shortly after he was anointed the new Leader of the Labour Party. He also soon after resigned the co-chairship of the Stop the War Coalition, succeeded unitarily by Corbyn, who had previously been sharing the job with him. Clashes between Cameron were often humourous and often contained references to Fry's work. Sometimes, Fry would do the voices of some of his characters, with a humourous example being Fry invoking the voice of General Melchett from Blackadder Goes Forth for the entire duration of one session of Prime Minister's Questions, while being almost entirely serious during his questioning of the Prime Minister.

Soon, though, the Brexit referendum would rear its head and the fun and games would stop. Fry became thoroughly involved in the campaign for Remain, and shared a platform with, amongst other people, the Prime Minister, the former hosts of Top Gear, including Jeremy Clarkson who almost launched a political career of his own at the 2015 election, and most of the Liberal Democrats. Thanks to Stephen Fry, some say, the British public voted for Remain, by a margin of 54 to 46, surprisingly close to some people. This was cause for celebration by the forces of the Remain alliance, and severe anger fron the side of the Eurosceptics. Farage knew that he was dead in a ditch at this point, and opted to jump before he was pushed, and resigned the leadership of UKIP. He was soon succeeded by Diane James, UKIP's first woman leader and one who was committed to staying in her job, after some initial quakes. For Stephen Fry, his part in the Brexit referendum was praised from both left and right wings of the pro-EU bloc, for providing both intellectual interventions and times of comedic relief.

Also notable was the knock on effect all this had on the American elections. Some suggested that if Brexit was voted for, that there may have been an increased turn out from Republians who would have had an increased confidence that Donald Trump could be elected. However, with Brexit no longer happening, and with the influence that Fry had had over almost the last 20 years of both culture and politics, one Bernie Sanders became President-elect in November 2016. Although this was met with some disdain from David Cameron to have to work with a self-avowed socialist in the White House, he somewhat welcomed it in the face of his potential alternative. Donald Trump would call the election rigged, and continues to do so even today on his Twitter account.

2017 involved a lot of tensions within Cameron's own Conservative Party, and increasing public outcry at the policies of austerity imposed by the government. 2018 featured much of the same until October of that year. It was at the Conservative Party conference that David Cameron made the surprise announcement that he would plan to call a snap general election for May 2019 under the provisions of the Fixed Term Parliament Act. When Cameron voiced this to the conference, he was met with audible gasps. The Conservatives weren't too steadily in front in the polls, and in fact in some polls they were trending below Labour. When this announcement came, polling began noticably shifting.

Cameron, who was closing in on nine consecutive years of rule as the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, could not go back on this promise and by March 2019 he moved the bill under the provisions of the Fixed Terms Parliament Act. This was voted for overwhelmingly by almost every MP of every party, with only 10 MPs voting against, mainly Conservatives. Stephen Fry laid out his party's manifesto, which included commitments to many socialist policies, and also the rescindment of the Fixed Term Parliament Act, and the reinstatement of the amended Septennial Act; in other words how elections worked prior to the coalition's FTPA. Cameron and Osborne knew that there was no longer any turning back, as parliament had already been dissolved.

This was when a series of gaffes started turning the tides in favour of Labour, including a second Bigotgate, where Cameron was caught saying a voter was racist when he thought his microphone was off, after she had told him that she was voting for Diane James' UK Independence Party after decades of voting Conservative. By the time that polling day came along, Labour were in a consistent lead. The exit poll was released at 10:00PM, which suggested that Labour would be the largest party but short of a majority. This was met with jubilation from the Labour headquarters, and scenes of fear and dread in the Conservative HQ. Scenes were also positive in the Liberal Democrats' headquarters, where they were expected to at least double their seat count, at the expense entirely of the Conservatives.

Seats like Broxtowe, the seat of the Health Secretary Anne Soubry, began to fall back to Labour, as they had been before 2010. North East Somerset, seat of prominent backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg, also fell to Labour, and returning candidate Dan Norris gained the seat in a surprising result. It soon became apparent that Labour could achieve a majority after all, and at 6AM, Labour indeed crossed the threshold of 326 seats in the House of Commons, The Conservatives led by David Cameron had been defeated, and the Labour Party had been victorious, and Stephen Fry was now on his way to Downing Street.

The inner rumblings of the Conservative Party made itself known almost immediately, with outgoing Somerset MP Rees-Mogg calling for Cameron's head immediately. At the end of the day, Labour managed a surprising majority of 24, and managed to win 338 seats overall, up 106 from 2015. Cameron made one final speech at Downing Street where he said that while of course he found the election results disappointing, that he wished Stephen the best of luck for his future as Prime Minister. He said that, while he would not stand down immediately, he would indeed resign the leadership of the Conservative Party once his successor had been elected. He paid tribute to the five years of coalition with the Liberal Democrats from 2010 to 2015, and particularly to the four years of Conservative majority government from 2015 to 2019, stating that he believed that the country was in a very much better state than how it had been left to them nine years earlier. He paid tribute to the social reforms that they had been able to enact in the nine years of Conservative-led government, especially his achievement of same-sex marriage.

After this, the Prime Minister, his wife Samantha and their three children Nancy, Arthur and Florence, made their way into the Prime Ministerial car to Downing Street. There the Prime Minister went to meet the Queen to tender his resignation and recommend that she send for Stephen Fry. This was naturally accepted, and, after saying one final goodbye to her Majesty, left the building as David Cameron, MP. With his family, he then returned to his Witney constituency in a private car. It was not long before a private car carrying Stephen Fry and his husband Elliot arrived at Downing Street, the Prime Ministerial car waiting to take them both to Downing Street after he was appointed. The self-avowed royalist then met with Her Majesty the Queen, who asked him to form the new government, which Stephen Fry obviously accepted. The new Prime Minister explained what he was intending for his government to achieve in the next five years or so to Her Majesty, kissed hands, and then left Buckingham Palace. The Prime Minister and his husband Elliot then entered the Prime Ministerial car where they were taken to Downing Street, where an almost Blair-like crowd was waiting at the gates of Downing Street. Like Blair (in one of the only ways), he prematurely exited the car to shake hands with the crowd with Elliot.

After walking his way while shaking hands with the crowd, the sixty-one year-old Prime Minister made the first speech of his premiership, with his husband watching closely. He set out his intentions for the next five years, briefing the world what policies would be enacted. He paid tribute to some of the reforms that had been enacted by the outgoing government, especially that of same-sex marriage that David Cameron had also touched on. He announced that he would govern in the interests of those in need, and before long he finished his speech. Outside the door of Downing Street, the Prime Minister and his husband kissed for the cameras. After this, they both entered Downing Street, and the Prime Minister started the work of government.

First off, the letters of last resort. Secondly, the cabinet. Alan Johnson, a remnant of the days of New Labour, had intended to retire at the election after 2015, whenever that was held, but when Stephen Fry acceeded to the Labour leadership, he was persuaded otherwise with a shadow cabinet post. He was made First Secretary of State. The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, succeding George Osborne, was Ed Miliband, Fry's predecessor as leader of the Labour Party. The new Home Secretary, succeeding Theresa May, was John McDonnell, one of Stephen Fry's closest political allies. The new Foreign Secretary, succeeding Philip Hammond, was Lisa Nandy. Jeremy Corbyn was made Health Secretary. The first telephone call made was to the 45th President of the United States, Bernie Sanders. President Sanders congratulated Fry on his election victory, and stated that he knew that they would be working closely together in the future. Meanwhile in the states, Bernie was going for a second term and Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeb Bush were fighting it out for the Republican nomination, in a race that was expected to be a very close-run thing.

This was seven months ago, and it is now January 2020. Stephen Fry is still the Prime Minister, but things have changed in the opposition. In July 2019, David Cameron's successor was elected. The five main candidates to succeed David Cameron were Theresa May, Philip Hammond, George Osborne, Boris Johnson and 79-year-old Kenneth Clarke. The run-off ended up being Philip Hammond and Boris Johnson, and the former Foreign Secretary managed to win by a margin of 15,000 votes in an extremely close membership vote. Philip Hammond is seen as a rather boring figure who was always after George Osborne's job. Meanwhile, after the over-doubling of the Lib Dem representation at the election, Tim Farron pledged to stay on until at least the next election. The repeal of the Fixed Term Parliament Act was started a couple days ago, when parliament reconvened for the first time after the Christmas break. At the same time, the amnended Septennial Act has been introduced to make sure that the powers were restored to what they were before. I have noticed trains in BR Blue and Grey starting to roll out across the National Rail system. My local Chiltern Railways was one of the first to go British Rail, apparently. I'd be here for quite a while though, going through all of the changes that I've noticed. The rest, as they say, is history.
The World to Come
Adam Qadman is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations and is expected to be the last such holder of the position. Qadman materialized alongside his depute Isa al-Masih in Jerusalem in August of 2022, at which point the two men began preaching about the fundamental unity of all mankind and warning that humanity would have to come together 'when the giants awake.' Initially, the two were dismissed by major world governments and political figures, but that changed when Qadman and al-Masih managed to halt a fight between members of the PLO and IDF by causing their weapons to vanish. At this point, the pair attracted a global following over the next couple of years, continuing to preach unity and warning of the day 'the giants awake.' By 2025, Qadman and Al-Masih had managed to split the world into three camps-those who regarded the pair as messianic servants of God (or some equivalent thereof as some Buddhists claimed the pair were incarnations of the Buddha and another who had attained Enlightenment and a few conspiracy theorists who viewed them as benevolent aliens sent to guide Earth), those who considered them false messiahs (either the Antichrist or Al-Masih ad-Dajjal) and some skeptics who viewed them as charlatans. Meanwhile, Qadman and Al-Masih continued to travel the world, performing multiple miracles-Qadman in particular caused the reversal of the flooding destroying the Maldives and walked through a wildfire in the hinterlands of California to save a child before apparently summoning rain. Over time the portion of those calling them charlatans dwindled.

In 2026, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, having become convinced of Qadman and Al-Masih's benevolence, suggested Qadman be appointed Secretary-General. This was met with mixed reactions and the appointment of Qadman in 2027 was narrow and prompted several countries (including the US and China) to withdraw from the UN on the spot. However, soon events would confirm the true nature of Qadman once and for all. The president of the United States, Jesse Gray, launched a nuclear weapon at the city of Rome without warning or Congressional approval. Following Rome's destruction, the world was ravaged by a massive number of earthquakes and the ancient giants Gog and Magog emerged from underneath Greece, beginning a massive rampage. They were soon joined by the Beast of the Earth, the Leviathan, the Behemoth, the Whore of Babylon Yaldaboath and several other titanic demons. Qadman ordered armies mobilized against the giants to stand down, warning that normal force of arms could not thwart the giants or Gray, now revealed to be the Antichrist. Instead, Qadman and Al-Masih confronted the giants themselves, invoking divine powers against them. The battle would rage for forty fiery days before the light of Kether shattered the forms of Gog, Magog and the other giants, as well as Gray.

The invoking of the light of Kether had other impacts on the Earth. The human population was rendered functionally immortal. Lands previously rendered desolate and whose residents were trapped in starvation became realms of abundance, with rows upon rows of crops and large numbers of rivers being established. The boundary between life and death was shattered and the righteous dead were resurrected (or in some cases granted a separate existence as Qadman revealed that reincarnation held true for some but not all). The various divisions that had previously threatened humanity-over economics, ideology, race, religion and nationality-seemed to collapse amidst these miracles. Qadman, flanked by remaining world leaders, proclaimed the end of scarcity, the end of division, the end of death and, ultimately, the end of history. Qadman's speech, delivered on the 10th of October in 2027, marked the beginning of the era that has since been dubbed the World to Come. No man, woman or child starves or dies of disease or disasters-or, indeed, dies at all. Despite the reversal of death and continual population growth, natural spaces remain preserved and verdant-rendered even more diverse by the revival of extinct species such as the dodo, thylacine and even dinosaurs (albeit confined to an island raised in the Atlantic Ocean by Qadman). Some do chafe in this new world-a few fanatics still proclaim Qadman a great deceiver, some of the formerly wealthy are displeased by the insignificance of their riches in the world of no more scarcity, those who had believed non-monotheistic faiths are still trying to reconcile their religions with the new development (though it helps many Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Taoists and other non-Abrahamic practitioners still qualified as righteous enough to be resurrected alongside their Christian, Jewish and Muslim counterparts), many LGBTQ people are doing likewise (although the same holds true regarding resurrection and immortality as for non-Abrahamic faiths, which has led to certain deductions being made that the Almighty is probably less concerned with people's sexual orientation or gender identity than many of His followers thought) and many of a more scientific bent are still rather confused and distressed by the whole thing.

But for the most's Heaven on Earth. And possibly beyond, if Qadman's hints about taking humanity to the outer reaches of the Solar System are anything to go off of.

Adam Qadman is named for Adam Kadmon, the divine light of the first man in Judaism. Some Kabbalists hold that Kadmon is the name of the Messiah. Isa Al-Masih is taken from the Muslim name for Jesus (Isa) and the Arabic term for Messiah (Al-Masih, I'll admit the series Messiah inspired it a bit). Jesse Gray is named for Jesse, the Antichrist in Supernatural (albeit a reluctant one in the source material) and Jake Gray, the Antichrist from the film Devour. Him nuking Rome is inspired by some analyses of the Book of Revelations claiming the last Pope would reign just before the Antichrist showed up. Gog and Magog are said to be destined to awaken against the Messiah in some Jewish sects. The Leviathan and Behemoth are present in the Bible, the Beast and the Whore of Babylon are from Revelations, though the Beast is also part of Islamic eschatology. Yaldaboath is a serpentine being seen as an aspect of the Demiurge in Gnosticism. Islamic eschatology also posits there will be smoke in the air for forty days as the world ends. The resurrection of the dead is a part of most Abrahamic traditions, as is the sort of post-scarcity abundance. The extinct animal resurrection/space colonization parts are pure artistic license as far as I know.

As for why I wrote this? Well, we have so many dystopian wikiboxes on here. Why not one that has a happy ending for humanity as a whole?
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Due to slightly better performances than IOTL, Breckinridge and Douglas take a few crucial states from Bell and Lincoln, respectively, leading to a hung electoral college. Lane is easily chosen in the Senate on a party line vote, meanwhile the House is left in a struggle between Breckinridge and Lincoln. After Douglas takes himself out of the running (he instructs Representatives in his favor to 'vote their conscience', leading some to vote for Lincoln, some for Breckinridge, and for some to stubbornly abstain), wishing to avoid a civil war (and wanting to run again in 1864), the House choses Breckinridge by one delegation. The Southern Democratic faction now controls the White House
John Titor is/was/will be an American soldier, government operative and member of the United States Armed Forces. Titor was born John Titus McDaniels on the 10th of July in 1998 to a middle-class family. Titor's childhood was largely typical for the time period up until the beginning of the American Troubles in 2005 following the Constitutional Crisis of 2004. Titor's father would be killed in a terrorist attack mounted by the American Liberation Front in a failed attempt to kill President Dick Cheney. Titor, as a result of this incident, became withdrawn from his peers and reclusive. Following the beginning of the Second American Civil War in 2009 following the 2009 American coup, Titor would end up forcibly drafted by federal military forces on the Floridian front. Titor would attempt to abandon his post and hide from the fighting on several occassions and would ultimately defect to the Constitutionalist side in 2013 (due to the paradoxical nature of the Second American Civil War, the two main sides claimed their armies were the United States Army, though the Second Confederacy, American People's Army and Alaskan Liberated Republic did not make such claims owing to their secessionist nature).

Titor would continue to serve in the Army following the Treaty of Columbus being signed in 2015 between both sides following the Chinese invasion of Hawaii and the beginning of the Third World War. Titor would be injured in action during the Battle of California and did not return to active duty until after the brief nuclear exchange of 2017 precipitated a de facto end to the conflict in a peace of exhaustion. Titor would end up retiring from active duty. In the 2020 presidential election, Titor backed the New Party ticket of Dwayne Johnson and John Moore over the New Tea Party campaign of Alex Jones. In 2024, Titor was selected by President Johnson to be part of an intelligence taskforce aimed at determining the true origins of the NTP presidential nominee Q. Despite Titor's efforts, Q controversially won the presidency of the United States and proceeded to launch a war against Mexico and Canada. Titor would help provide intelligence to the United Nations in their 2031 intervention into America to prevent the Q regime from perpetrating genocide.

However, following the UN liberation, the United Nations proceeded to become more tyrannical. Titor would discover that the UN's Security Council had been superseded by a terrorist cabal operating within the CERN organization calling itself the Council of 300. The council, Titor learned, had developed time travel capabilities and was threatening to trigger major paradoxes capable of potentially destroying the universe or at least drastically alter history unless the UN implemented worldwide policies they demanded. Titor, as a result, approached the interim President of the United States Payton Hobart with his findings, Hobart authorized Titor and several of his associates to return to active duty with the US military in Tampa Bay, ostensibly for peacekeeping against regional NTP militia groups. In practice, Titor was to be a US agent dispatched to take out the CERN-affiliated 'Rounders' positioned to trigger paradoxes in the event of the UN going against them once US researchers Dexter Cavendish and Amelia Fowler-Cooper were able to replicate CERN's time machine, which was successfully done in 2036.

Titor's first mission was to 1999 to track down a Rounder intended to assassinate President George W. Bush prior to the September 11th terrorist attacks that killed him in the mainline. Titor sought to track down this operative by posting on the Internet revealing the truth about being a time traveller, but claiming he was travelling for a different reason. His efforts successfully lured the Rounder in question to expose himself and was killed by Titor. Titor's next jump was to 1939, where he was tasked with hunting down a Rounder who was planning to reveal the Allied invasion of Normandy to Nazi Germany. To fulfill that goal, Titor enlisted with that time period's US Army and participated in major operations on the North African front. Titor's actions successfully prevented the operative Stephen Krieger from revealing the date and location of the D-Day landings to the Nazi leadership and he would participate in the landings themselves with 2036-era weaponry just in case there were other operatives planning to take care of this.

After this, Titor briefly jumped ahead in time to the 1980's due to rumors of a time alteration occurring in that decade. Titor discovered a timeline where a billionaire named Biff Tannen had prevented details of the Watergate scandal from being publicized via purchasing the Washington Post and quashing the story. Richard Nixon was as a result still president in the year 1985, having managed to repeal the 22nd Amendment and set up a dictatorship. Titor, with help from the scientist Emmett Brown, was able to pinpoint the date that a Rounder descendent of Tannen had triggered the temporal alteration and was able to reverse it in 1955. Titor jumped back to his present subsequently to verify the present had returned to normal and upon confirming it traveled back alongside another soldier, Kyle Reese, to various other known Rounder operation sites. Titor would serve in the American Civil War and the Revolutionary War as part of his anti-Rounder operations. Reese, meanwhile, would traverse the latter half of the 20th century for Rounder operatives intended to assassinate Mikhail Gorbachev, encourage Curtis LeMay to launch a nuclear first-strike in 1962 and prevent Deng Xiaoping's reforms from occurring in China.

Even as Titor and Reese eradicated the Rounders, they faced other obstacles to maintaining the integrity of the timeline. The author H.G. Wells had invented a time machine in the 1890's and was attempting to avert a dystopian future by sparking an earlier World War I that he hoped would lead to a stronger League of Nations. Despite sympathizing with this goal, Titor and Reese were forced to subdue the author, confiscate his time machine and take him to prison back in 2037. Titor and Reese also had to thwart the efforts of the mad ecoterrorist Helen Cutter from preventing human evolution from occurring-a confrontation that would ultimately claim Reese's life. Titor thus was forced to face the far-future time traveller Nathaniel Richards from murdering Alexander the Great and taking his place. Initial attempts to stop him proved difficult and it was only through an alliance with the Egyptian immortal Ra's Al Ghul that Titor was able to defeat Richards once and for all.

Titor at this point began to become distracted from his initial vision, instead using his time machine to solve mysteries of interest to his such as the truth of the Roswell incident and what caused Amelia Earheart's disappearance. However, his actions at Roswell unwittingly drew the attention of a secretive organization known as the Syndicate, who recognized Titor as a disruptive presence from Roswell when he paid a visit to his family in the 1990's. The Syndicate, viewing him as a potential alien threat, attempted to abduct him to one of their black sites codenamed Warehouse 13. Titor was able to avoid the Syndicate during this time, but upon returning to 2036 was horrified to discover he had inadvertently caused the Syndicate, in paranoia, to overthrow the US federal government, avert the Second Civil War and implement a police state unconnected to the one CERN and the UN imposed. Titor would scramble back through the 1900's in a desperate attempt to undo this and managed to ultimately succeed after a subjective two years. Titor thus returned to his initial mission and purged the last of the Rounders, a Japanese woman named Moeka Kiryu, from 2010.

Upon returning to 2037, Titor headed an operation to cripple the CERN-built time machine and destroyed as many blueprints of it as possible to prevent it from being rebuilt. He then took a key role in the Global Revolution, leading American forces against the Council's Sentinels and militarized androids built by CyberLife. Over the next three years, the Council of 300 lost ground across the world, only being able to retain control of a few bases scattered across Eurasia. However, by 2040, intelligence confirmed that the Council was in the process of rebuilding their time machine. This time, however, the plan was not to try to change the past but rather to bring forth the resources of the future to crush the rebels once and for all. Titor, as the most experienced time traveller on the rebel side, was sent into the future with a small army of soldiers and scientists to prevent this from occurring. Titor would prevent the Council from obtaining power armor, the Lassiter phaser and the Cochrane warp drive in the next century. However, some Council operatives remained at large. As of the objective year 2040, Titor has not been able to return from the future and he is currently pursuing a Council team led by Gendo Ikari further and further into the future, save for a brief detour back to 2019 in an attempt by Ikari to throw Titor off-track.

The references made here are intended to just be references rather than indication that the works they are from are in fact canon.

Having said that, as far as references go:
The early portion is based on John Titor's claimed backstory in real life.
Q becoming president is a reference to Face the Storm.
The Council of 300 are the ultimate villains in the Science Adventure visual novel/anime series (Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate being the most notable installments). CERN's role here is lifted pretty much directly from their analogue's role in Steins;Gate.
Payton Hobart is named in honor of the main character from The Politician.
Dexter Cavendish is a hypothetical full name for Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory based on his voice actor's name.
Amy Fowler-Cooper is named for Amy Farrah Fowler, the character who is a scientist and also the girlfriend/wife to Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory.
Stephen Krieger is a Nazi time traveller from the novel Lightning.
Biff Tannen is the main bad guy in Back to the Future while Emmett Brown is one of the main good guys.
Nixon being president in 1985 is part of the bad future in Back to the Future II but also is a reference to Watchmen.
Kyle Reese is the main hero of the original Terminator film.
H.G. Wells having a time machine is a reference to his novel The Time Machine.
Helen Cutter is the ecoterrorist ex-wife of one of the main characters of Primeval and also a major villain.
Nathaniel Richards is the real name of Kang the Conqueror in Marvel Comics. The image I used for Titor is actually one of the actors to voice Kang.
Ra's Al Ghul is an immortal villain opposed to Batman.
The Syndicate is named for the conspiracy in The X-Files, though their MO is not the same.
Warehouse 13 is named for the location from the show of the same name.
Sentinels are named for the robots in X-Men but also could be an allusion to The Matrix.
CyberLife is the robot-building company from Detroit: Become Human.
Power armor is meant to be the kind from Fallout.
The Lassiter phaser is based on the Lassiter gun from Firefly.
The Cochrane warp drive is from Star Trek.
Gendo Ikari is from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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Due to slightly better performances than IOTL, Breckinridge and Douglas take a few crucial states from Bell and Lincoln, respectively, leading to a hung electoral college. Lane is easily chosen in the Senate on a party line vote, meanwhile the House is left in a struggle between Breckinridge and Lincoln. After Douglas takes himself out of the running (he instructs Representatives in his favor to 'vote their conscience', leading some to vote for Lincoln, some for Breckinridge, and for some to stubbornly abstain), wishing to avoid a civil war (and wanting to run again in 1864), the House choses Breckinridge by one delegation. The Southern Democratic faction now controls the White House
The follow up (credit for the basemap to Sasalele on

FDR the Eternal
It's not totally clear how President Franklin D. Roosevelt is still alive. Biologically speaking he definitely is alive and kicking, so he's not undead. There are rumors he carried out some kind of magical ritual to live forever. Or obtained the legendary Philosopher's stone. Or found the Fountain of Youth. Or maybe he was selected by God as the natural leader of the US as the Rooseveltians think. But what is clear is that President Roosevelt has served as president for nearly 9 decades by now. Many of his rivals, from Herbert Hoover to John McCain, are dead and buried. Over half his running mates likewise are gone. But FDR remains.

Why do people keep electing him? Well, there's always something he is prepared to tinker with. Always grasping ahead seeking to advance those Four Freedoms he supported back during the Second World War. There's always something else to aspire towards. Universal healthcare. Guaranteed minimum income. An end to climate change. Worldwide democratization. There is always something new he can demand on the campaign trail and there is always enough passion from the man himself that he inevitably triumphs. Some never had a chance-Gary Johnson never found his footing, Joe McCarthy was a nutcase and Pat Buchanan was too extreme. Some have come close to unseating him however-Reagan was within 5 points two out of three of his challenges to Roosevelt and if it hadn't been for Ron Paul, McCain might've won the popular vote. But in the end, Roosevelt remains.

There are of course drawbacks to having the world's oldest man as a longtime leader. The propaganda disadvantage was an issue back in the Cold War and even in the post-Soviet world, Roosevelt's stubbornness has stymied diplomacy with the likes of China and Iran. Civil rights was a nonstarter nationally for him-he was willing to desegregate the federal government, but Roosevelt ultimately cared more about keeping the Dixiecrats in his corner than ensuring racial equality. And it's probably best not to bring up the LGBT community around him either. The Supreme Court is double the size it was when Roosevelt took office-either a brilliant reform that makes it operate better or yet another overreach by the Roosevelt administration depending on who you ask. The federal government is quite bloated by this point and even FDR staff agree things may have gotten a bit out of hand. But that won't change under Roosevelt. It never does.
FDR the Eternal
It's not totally clear how President Franklin D. Roosevelt is still alive. Biologically speaking he definitely is alive and kicking, so he's not undead. There are rumors he carried out some kind of magical ritual to live forever. Or obtained the legendary Philosopher's stone. Or found the Fountain of Youth. Or maybe he was selected by God as the natural leader of the US as the Rooseveltians think. But what is clear is that President Roosevelt has served as president for nearly 9 decades by now. Many of his rivals, from Herbert Hoover to John McCain, are dead and buried. Over half his running mates likewise are gone. But FDR remains.

Why do people keep electing him? Well, there's always something he is prepared to tinker with. Always grasping ahead seeking to advance those Four Freedoms he supported back during the Second World War. There's always something else to aspire towards. Universal healthcare. Guaranteed minimum income. An end to climate change. Worldwide democratization. There is always something new he can demand on the campaign trail and there is always enough passion from the man himself that he inevitably triumphs. Some never had a chance-Gary Johnson never found his footing, Joe McCarthy was a nutcase and Pat Buchanan was too extreme. Some have come close to unseating him however-Reagan was within 5 points two out of three of his challenges to Roosevelt and if it hadn't been for Ron Paul, McCain might've won the popular vote. But in the end, Roosevelt remains.

There are of course drawbacks to having the world's oldest man as a longtime leader. The propaganda disadvantage was an issue back in the Cold War and even in the post-Soviet world, Roosevelt's stubbornness has stymied diplomacy with the likes of China and Iran. Civil rights was a nonstarter nationally for him-he was willing to desegregate the federal government, but Roosevelt ultimately cared more about keeping the Dixiecrats in his corner than ensuring racial equality. And it's probably best not to bring up the LGBT community around him either. The Supreme Court is double the size it was when Roosevelt took office-either a brilliant reform that makes it operate better or yet another overreach by the Roosevelt administration depending on who you ask. The federal government is quite bloated by this point and even FDR staff agree things may have gotten a bit out of hand. But that won't change under Roosevelt. It never does.
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Oh god yes
The Mountain of Manhetan (Nyork Mole: Mondawn dar Manhēdan) was an independent state situated in the delta of the Hudson Sound, in the area traditionally known as the Nyork Wastes. It was founded in 345 A.D. by the Mole chieftain Mol the Quiet, who marched upon the wartorn, chaotic islets of Nyork in order to end the continuous raids on his domain; the local peoples welcomed Mol's rule, particularly as he took a light-handed approach to administration and permitted cats and rats into government. In 350 A.D., the Assembly of the Mountain - an advisory legislature composed of "distinguished citizens" was founded, assisting in the governance of the Mountain's lands and helping future mounts - such as Mol's son and successor, Muw the Bold - formulate their reforms, as well as fight off invaders such as roving northern tribes (wolves, chipmunks, you name it), pirates and neighboring statelets.

Over the span of a few hundred years, the Manhetani state expanded along the Hudson Sound, emerging as the most powerful state in the region's history; although its immediate sphere of influence was limited to the Sound's surroundings up to the River of De la War, Manhetani traders and tunnelmakers were known as far south as Florida, and Manhetan itself was a wealthy city standing over an extensive system of intricate, well-furnished tunnels. However, by the 780s the Mountain declined in power due to internal conflicts - particularly as the increasingly influential Assembly grew discontent with the conservative Frola the Defiant - and was ultimately conquered by the tiger-dominated Caesarid Empire to the west, furthering the Great Caesar's control over the eastern seaboard and resulting in the emergence of independent underground rat networks, most of which were founded by scholars, forebeasts and soldiers who previously enjoyed great privileges in the Mountain.


((I would like to thank Bob Hope for the beautiful map used in my infobox.))
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