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Africa During the Scramble: Scorch the Earth

The Scramble in these articles really feels like the worst possible outcome, various potential free areas or relatively less brutal occupation or deals or uprisings all fail to happen/last and everything narrows down to successive genocides. OTL as the grimmest of grimdark AHs
The Scramble in these articles really feels like the worst possible outcome, various potential free areas or relatively less brutal occupation or deals or uprisings all fail to happen/last and everything narrows down to successive genocides. OTL as the grimmest of grimdark AHs

The next article but one in this series is perhaps a counterpart to that. It's called "The Rebellion that didn't Happen" and it's about an area where European colonisation was mostly relatively not violent. There are areas where that is true, Botswana would be another, but they make less dramatic articles I guess.
The Leopold option is an intriguing one. Unable to support from the sea might mean Peters is removed quicker, but easy to see it going just as horrible. However, if between them the Zanzibari and British remove Peters et al. development in that part would be fascinating because of all the different forces at play.

On the other hand, Cecil has just noticed some bits of the map not coloured in that form a direct route between he and the Pyramids of Giza.
The next article but one in this series is perhaps a counterpart to that. It's called "The Rebellion that didn't Happen" and it's about an area where European colonisation was mostly relatively not violent. There are areas where that is true, Botswana would be another, but they make less dramatic articles I guess.
Botswana was the first article in the series!