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What if Germany, Italy, and Japan & overseas territories of Jan 1936 are ISOT'ed to Jan 1926?


Well-known member
What if Germany, Italy, and Japan & overseas territories of Jan 1936 are ISOT'ed to Jan 1926?

For Germany, this means Nazi Germany replaces all of Weimar Germany, except for the Rhineland zones, still occupied by France, Belgium, and possibly Britain. Note: France and Belgium had already withdrawn from the Ruhr by August 1925, so the Nazis get that, and the western powers and Germany had also signed the Locarno Pact, accepting Rhineland as ultimately German.

For Italy, this means Italy, Libya, Eritrea, Somalia and the already occupied parts of Ethiopia.

For Japan, it means its imperial territories as of the 1926-1931 era (Ryukyus, Kuriles, South Sakhalin, Bonins, Taiwan, Korea, Port Arthur, Micronesian mandate, SMR railway zone) plus Manchukuo.

What happens from there? How do the democratic countries of the world react to the sudden appearance of a Germany, Italy, and Japan displaying militant attitudes, with Germany and Japan having withdrawn from the League of Nations. Indeed, Italy is the most egregious of the three, actively conquering Ethiopia at the moment. But Japan isn't far behind, suddenly occupying all of Manchuria, to the outrage of both the Beiyang Republic and the KMT regime of Guangzhou. How does the USSR react?