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radacite social-revolutionary republic

Funny North America map part one: The Sultanate of Boríken in 1275 AH
  • 594B3132-757F-4B49-B1AF-D270F220711D.png
    When the ships of the Moroccan Saadi dynasty arrived in the Caribs in the 1540s, the first island they set sight on was known to the natives as “Boríken”. Run by the Taíno people, the isle followed a system similar to the Taifas , with parts of the isle ruled by petty rulers. However, the most respected of these rulers appeared to be the Agüeybaná, whose mother was converted to Islam.

    The Agüeybaná’s mistrust of the Moroccans was evident, but his death in 1551 led to his son, who accepted Islam, to take the name of Muhammad, and adopting the title of Sultan. With Moroccan power fading, the Tainos gradually became more independent of the Saadis, especially following the death of Al-Mansur in 1603 to the plague.

    The Taíno follow a syncretic brand of Sufi Islam, and have since centralised under the rule of Sultan Abdelkarim Agüeybaná X, with heavy influences from Moroccan Sharifian doctrine.
    The Kongsi Federations of Yingzhou and the Taifa of al-Qizqayah
  • (everything in brackets here is commentary by myself on the nature of these in comparison to IRL stuff. also no map today 😔)

    The discovery of a new continent to its east prompted further exploration by the Ming under the Xuande Emperor through western voyages commanded by former members of Zheng He's fleet.

    The rise of the Qing created an exodus of former Ming supporters to the ports of "Yingzhou", and Ming discrimination against the Hakka people drove them towards mercantilism. In the year 4468 of the Metal-Rabbit, Hakka merchants established Kongsi, corporate conglomerates under Qing protection in western Yingzhou under the leadership of Lao Lan-Pak, supportive of a generally popular (democratic) rule with special priorities given to Chinese merchants who gather in assembly halls or zongting to elect leaders to the council from the "Five Ports of Yingzhou". (Incredibly similar to the real-life Lanfang republic.)

    The island of Qizqayah was discovered in the (real life 16th century) by North African sailors sent by the Grenadines, who fought the native Taino and set up plantations to nurture the expanding slave trade, caused by shortages of labour in Granada itself. The institutions of slavery were the foundations of the island's economy.

    In 1001 AH, the Sultans of al-Gharb gained control of Qizqayah. Slavery was expanded by the Gharbis, primarily imported from Western Africa's Obas of Eko - until the Oba abolished slavery in 1256 AH, and many native slaves attempted to return home. This was met with hostility from the Sultanate of al-Gharb, but the slave revolt in Qizqayah resulted in the expulsion of Arabs from the island. An abortive naval campaign by the governor of al-Qoab to the west of Qizqayah resulted in the expulsion of Arabs from the isle, and the creation of the first directory of the Taifa, governed by members of the mixed elites. The island was engulfed in civil war between "Black Moors" and "White Moors" (Africans and mixed Afro-Arabs respectively), before unification under a Yoruba by the name of Bilal, who is currently in control of the island.
    Setroba - the "other" continent (a worldbuilding exercise)
  • The continent of Setroba in the far-west is often known as the Continent of Anguish, constantly destroyed by invasions from its reaches. It was once the site of the Empire of Sul, the Sun Kings who ruled from the city of Salatacc, in the east of the continent.

    But in the 290th year of the Arosine dynasty, following the passing of Emperor Ruset Alessis, , the general Ardred fu Kamshelm of the Kamser tribe proclaimed the end of the Sulic empire following the capture of Salatacc, and following the Great Looting of Salatacc, proclaimed himself Richet (king) of the “Three Tribes” (the Kamser, the Alads, and the Heihfturr) at Shternwahl.

    In the far east, the Tukuic tribes’ take-over forced the Khammehen and Taran riders to go west. While the Khammehen settled in the Eastern flanks of the Welikoj Sea, the Taran marched west under the leadership of Khotor to conquer the Eastern cities. Ardred’s forces clashed with Khotor’s before his death forced the Taran to ride back east.

    Sulic prince Lusi Anasos returned to Salatacc with Ardred and the Tarans’ retreat, and proclaimed himself Sun-King Lusi III of the Lusio-Arosines. In response, Ardred’s nephew and successor, Gohorr fu Kamshelm-Heifhein, sent his son-in-law Cheomir fu Asdal, of the traditionally pro-Sulic Asdal tribe of the far South, to subjugate the new Sun-King. The Asdals mutinied, and pledged allegiance to the Sun-King, routing his forces at the river Ansi in the 27th year of the Lusio-Arosines. King Lusi, who had no sons, gave his daughter in marriage to Cheomir, and Cheomir was given the Sulic name of “Cioro Lusios”, the first King of the Asdalo-Sulic Kingdom.

    Plagued by defeat, Gohorr died in the 130th year of the Kamshelm epoch, alone and miserable. His great-nephew, Flincmir, fought the Smokry War against the Smokry tribe of the Eastern Marsh-Lands, who used dragons to harness power never seen before. The destruction of Shternwahl was a severe set-back for the Kamsers, who retreated to Kamshelm while the Smokry continued their raids.

    The trading-towns of Mohat, Krreos, and Doviris were held by the mercantile Hatysic peoples. With the collapse of the Sulic empire, a Hatysic merchant by the name of Egestis declared himself 'Prince' of Doviris, appointing his brother, Piros, and his nephew, Karlis, as fellow Princes of Mohat and Krreos. The Council of the Guilds was formed under Egestis' rule, and this council was responsible for individual cities' governance and the appointment of a "Chief Shaft" - the most powerful figure in all three cities, elected from one of the noble houses (the Egestines, the Pirines, and the Karlines) of the cities. Naval attacks by the Asdalo-Sulics to the east did not destroy the cities or even affect them significantly.

    To the west, with the Kamsers appearing more than weak, the people of the powerful port of Calan - the northernmost port of the former Sulic empire, often known as the 'gateway to the west' declared their independence from the Kamsers under the powerful Sulic merchant Velos the Young. Velos, now the "Chancellor-Prince" of Calan, claimed himself to be the rightful heir to the Sulics, owing to his grandfather allegedly being the son of crown prince Galeio. Leading an invasion into the region of Lapindra, he appointed his uncle, Pior, as the next governor of the peninsula in the far-west. When Velos of Calan died, his uncle led a naval invasion of the city from Lapindra, aiming to conquer it from his great-nephew, Miollo. The subjugation of Lapindra was not a complete success, and led to the partition of the peninsula between the Calan-governed north and the south, which remained ruled by Pior.

    In the far north, Smokry and Kamser deserters formed their own trading ports and tribes, fighting over land. Pior marched west and attempted to recapture Salatacc, but with his death, his conquests ended, and various soldiers of his became petty rulers of different cities.

    Setroba in 878 PSE (Post-Sulic Epoch) is the graveyard of a continent that was once the seat of an Empire. Ravaged and torn apart by anguish and war.
  • Republique du Téche
    System of government:
    Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
    Official languages: French, Spanish, English (German and Czech are recognised minority languages)
    President: Didier Marigny (United Future)
    Prime Minister: Domingo Garza (Va por Tejas)

    Confederation of New York
    System of government:
    Unitary presidential republic
    Official language: English
    President: Wendell Clinton (Clinton's Common Sense Association)
    Vice-President: Isaac Blunt (Clinton's Common Sense Association)

    Commonwealth of New England
    System of government:
    Federal parliamentary republic
    Official languages: English, French
    Prime Minister: Lincoln Chaffee (Whig)
    High Commissioner: Pierre Michaud-Cormier (Tory)

    Republic of the Floridas
    System of government:
    Unitary presidential republic
    Official language: Spanish
    President: Alejandrina Ocasio-Cortez (Nuevo País)
    Vice-President: Enrique Whittaker (Nuevo País)

    (not finished with this)​
    Sorso: my second favourite continent pt. 1
  • The North of Sorso was formerly home to the Keot kings, who ruled for years before the Emperor of the Ash, Tumakh V, died. His son Khitath, proclaimed himself the “Enemy of Za Qal”, King of the Southern Shum kingdom. The conquest of the Shum lasted 20 years, during which period the Sulic prince Karos planned a naval invasion of the Keot capital; and when Khitath was returning from battle, he read the news that his capital had been taken. His soldiers soon mutinied, and Khithath himself begged the Sulics to march south and rescue him.

    When the Sulic forces arrived at Kehutt, the city where the soldiers had encamped, they did not find Khitath, nor his body. The fall of Shum, in the meanwhile, caused a power vacuum to emerge in the region, and an enterprising tradesman of Sadaean origin named Sirib Jan proclaimed himself king in the city of Gar Zat - and declared his loyalty to Karos, the new Emperor of the Sulic Empire.

    Prince Sapthino of the Sulic dynasty - a low-born Sorsin slave who was adopted by Alessi Thillithos the Golden of the Arosine dynasty became governor-general of the province of ‘Sorsa’. He soon declared himself King following the Alessic Crisis, and ruled for ten weeks before his poisoning.

    What followed was a war of great proportions. To the east, the Sadaean merchant colony of Pyris invaded Sorso, and the Noble Magistrate of Pyris, Abis Khai, proclaimed himself the “Conqueror of Sorso”. The wife of Sapthino, Zawsa, ruled for her son. Zehan, Emperor of the Tavsid Empire, invaded the realm, and after Zawsa committed suicide, Zahak massacred her entire family, except for her bastard son Zinth, who he condemned to the desert. Zinth led 30 noblemen of the oasis of Fauzh, and formed the Kingdom of Fauzh, which exists today.

    Zinth came into conflict with the local Amaj Chel, whose queen, Tasin ult Hillat, ordered them all to move to the oasis of Dirig. She formed the Kel Dirig Confederation, proclaiming herself the Aman, the highest-ranking ruler of the clans of Dirig.

    (loved writing this, and i hope you like reading it too)
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    batman but it fucking blows
  • working on a cursed batman infobox based on some tiktok, here's my plan
    • batman - Chris Pratt
    • robin - Shane Harper
    • bane - Steven Seagal
    • riddler - Lin-Manuel Miranda
    • alfred - idk fucking DanTDM or some British Minecraft youtuber
    • catwoman - Trisha Paytas
    • joker - Quentin Tarantino
    now should i make ra'as al ghul be a white actor or a shitty bollywood one (kamaal r khan comes to mind, as does javed jaaffrey - the latter is a good actor he's just miscast)
  • The Gold Kingdoms - Nywenze and Gwasan - are the furthest south of the lands in Zersal that have been properly explored by foreigners and Zersalis from North of the Vast Green alike.

    The Vast Green is based on the Moon River, that flows from the south's banks. The town of Kidus is the furthest significant settlement within the jungle, founded by the slave traders of Kafarz on the coast.

    Only one man has ventured this far south and lived - Prince Razafiys of the Spice Isles. After exploring most of Zersal, the prince intended to travel north to Nashq, but his ship was supposedly attacked by pirates from Dakshadvipa and capsized.

    Prince Razafiys' entourage had largely died, save for one, Andrily. The prince and his companion were captured and sold as slaves in Kafarz, before escaping alongside three others to the east.

    Razafiys' account of what he called the 'Vast Green' is as follows

    "The folk near the forest were nomads, as the Sioko of Amber Isle are....they did not venture too far in, and they warned us of the forest's various dangers, but we had to go in to avoid being sold once more in Kafarz.
    In the Spice Isles, there are many maladies that conquer men and cattle alike, but even I could not imagine how terrible and grave the diseases of the forest were..In the Vast Green there are mosquitos that grow to the size of a large rat and spiders with venom powerful enough that they may bring down a well-fed ox in mere seconds, not to mention the cave's numerous flies that fed on bats in the night and humans at daytime.

    The wildlife of the jungle are little better - the land is inhabited by fierce, ape-like animals with teeth sharp as Tennuri blades, and clawed pigs. In the skies there are flesh-eating, giant bats, and there are strange, shrieking birds the size of dogs, and in the waters there are heavy, fierce hippopotami who live alongside gigantic reptilians with long snouts....there are also lemurs and dwarf elephants, that are more familiar to men such as myself who lived alongside them for life. Some have said that there are jet-black ghost lions in the shrubs of the jungle.

    South of the Vast Green there are the Titans, mountains whose inhabitants are said to stand as tall as the hills, but I did not find such tall men..their king was still a welcoming and wise man, and he sent me home on one of his own ships across the river...I have sworn to never visit Kafarz again in my life"

    This is a semi-accurate account, but there are probably some weird spirits in the jungle in addition to all the animals. There have been a lot of expeditions, both by the Gold Kingdoms and the Kafarzi to trek the area, but they all, rather predictably, failed.

    South of the Titans are flats and deserts, inhabited mostly by local desert peoples. They never made much contact outside of trade with the others on the coast of Southern Zersal (which are ruled by Mashi kings), but they're said to be good archers and hunters. The desert is a light desert, and the locals have managed to practice some form of agriculture, though there are some tribes deeper into the desert that are basically hunter-gatherers. The creatures of the desert include red bears, jackals, and supposedly some prophet cats, alongside six-gazelles and wild cattle - and there are many spirits within it as well that interact with the people. It's not really that interesting and I won't write much about it.

    The salt flats, however...they have some weird shit going on. And of course, Razafiys' journey was only in the eastern areas of the Vast Green so there's definitely some other stuff going on in the west that may also be weird shit.

    (This is an attempt to write an African-inspired setting for fantasy. Zersal is, full disclaimer, a giant continent, so not all of Zersal is "haha big savage jungle" - at the same time I'm not African nor in the African diaspora, I'm just a student of history so I'm very sorry if I got anything wrong or ended up sounding insensitive.

    And yes, I do know that the 'Darkest Africa' trope sucks. This is not meant to be me glorifying it, I've tried as hard as I can to avoid it with other places. If there's anything problematic do tell, thanks for reading as always.)
  • itcannotbe.png

    The Batman is an upcoming German-American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of Batman. It is a reboot of the Batman film franchise, starring Chris Pratt as Bruce Wayne/Batman, alongside Shane Harper, Lin-Manuel Miranda, DanTDM, Steven Seagal, Trisha Paytas, Quentin Tarantino, and Kamaal R. Khan.

    (I regret making this)
    wow a tl where cromwell's protectorate survives pt 1

    1) The Dominion of Columbia

    Portrait of Charles III of Columbia
    Charles II was invited to the colony of Virginia by Governor Berkeley after the Cromwellian takeover, and was given the support of the governors of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Rhode Island. The New England Confederation, however, remained in the hands of the Protectorate.
    The death of Cromwell and his succession by Henry Lawrence effectively ended any hopes of monarchy returning to the Isles.
    Stuyvesant's War ended in victory for New Netherland - causing great damage to Carolina's internal system - which was followed by the Bacon Rising of 1676 that ended with Bacon's own death.
    Following Charles' death, the position of King went to his brother, James - an open Catholic with much support from colonists. James' reign saw the creation of one of the first Virginian titles of nobility for a non-Royal - to Nicholas Spencer, the Earl Spencer of Westmoreland. Sir Spencer was followed by his daughter, while John Washington was granted the title of the Earl Washington of the Potomac for his service during Bacon's rising.
    King James died in 1701, and was succeeded by his son - Charles III and II - or 'Charles the Reformer', a Protestant who established Carolina and Virginia's home rule, and united the two provinces into Columbia. The Prince Charles married Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria (one of Columbia's chief allies), after much hesitation from the Austrians' side, and died in 1748.
    The War of Spanish Succession - fought from 1701 by the alliance of the Commonwealth, the Netherlands, Prussia, and France against the Austrians saw some action in the colonies. The Dutch invaded the land south of the River Delaware and so on. The War ended in Austrian defeat, and the coronation of Prince Philip as King of Spain, or Charles III. Following Columbia's defeat, many political leaders asked whether the Kingdom was on its last legs. This, and the death of his eldest son, James (the Prince of the Chesapeake) significantly damaged Prince Charles' own personal life, and he spent more time away from court.
    Prince Charles was succeeded by his younger son, Henry I, who was heir apparent following his elder brother James' death. Henry came into power at a time when his Columbia fought against the French, Spaniards, and British for control over the Caribbean, and a time where geopolitics in North America had begun to greatly shift. The 1760s saw Columbia's hundredth anniversary, and the formation of the first Columbian Parliament - following the abolition of the Houses of Burgesses and the Governor's Council. Peyton Randolph, the Duke Randolph of Williamsburg of the Tory party, was elected the first Chief Minister of Columbia.
    In the 1770s, Randolph's reforms were continued by Thomas Pinckney, the Baron Pinckney of Charlestown, the current Columbian Prime Minister (as of 1789). King Henry himself died in 1775, and was succeeded by his son, Charles.

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  • Following the abolition of slavery in 1883 by the Louisiana government, Creole planters grew increasingly desperate to find an alternative - and they found in an unlikely place.

    'Coolies', or indentured servants, were first used in British colonies in the Caribbean following the abolition of slavery in the British colonies. These coolies were primarily of Indian and Chinese origin, and had been brought with the intention of replacing African slaves. The experiment, carried out by only a few planters (the majority had settled on sharecropping as a viable alternative), proved to be semi-successful. Thousands of Cantonese and South Asian labourers were brought to Louisiana via Central America, and were made to work the plantations. Moreover, as anti-Chinese sentiment grew popular in the neighbouring nation of Oregon, many Chinese workers moved westwards and made their homes on the banks of the Mississippi and the Missouri.

    The 'coolie' experiment eventually was abandoned by most planters - Chinese and Indian labourers, like the slaves before them, resented their treatment, and with the fall of the planters' power, they moved towards the cities. In New Orleans, Chinese immigrants built a small 'Chinese quarter' on Tulane Street, although Indians remained in the rural areas. Asian plantation labourers continued to work the plantations, of course, but sharecropping was still a more popular alternative. These neighbourhoods were not safe from racist attacks by resentful whites, who lamented the arrival of the much-maligned foreigners, even more so than the rising Italian population (who were repeatedly attacked as well) - which led the Parlange government to formalise the "Asian Emigrants Bill" - essentially giving the Chinese second-class citizenship and barring them from certain jobs. The 1915 New Orleans hurricane almost destroyed the Chinese quarter in the fourtheenth ward (and it had a severe effect on the "Hindous" as well, although let it be known that not all Indians in Louisiana were Hindu.) The quarter's rebuilding was the work of the On Leong Chinese Merchants' Association based in New York. Though the group was itself based in another country, Chinese merchants did manage to secure their support, as well as that of the Chinese Emperor, who was greatly interested in the welfare of the Chinese people outside of China. The area was rebuilt with pagodas, street lamps, and other cliches of Chinese architecture by Louisianan architects and African-American contract labourers.

    The Hindou community, meanwhile, continued to develop independently - with considerable tensions arising between Hindus and Muslims. Sikhs also began to work the fields in the northern parts of the river, though once again, they were more or less a unicorn. Moreover, the large hippo farms that were built on the Bayou employed only some Indian labourers - Muslims and members of the lower castes, many of whom had converted to Catholicism worked the farms, but upper-caste Hindus refused to work as butchers. When the farms eventually fell into stagnation, Indian workers went out of work, and moved towards the urban centres, away from the Bayou. The Indians in the Alleghenies, meanwhile, gradually vanished. Today, the "Ozark Hindous" are a burning memory, but some remnants of the culture can be seen.

    In the 1930s, the Long and Leche administrations began to target Asian labourers. Many Chinese were targetted by the 'Blue Berets', and this led the Chinese quarter being largely neglected. These policies continued in the 1950s under the Ellender regime. Asian labourers generally supported the "Broad Front" of Henry Hermes, a socialist group made up mostly of German, Italian, and Hispanic workers, and this too was clamped down on.

    Paul Long's regime in the 1970s continued these policies, and the ensuing military dictatorship further mobilised against the Chinese, who were thought of as socialist sympathisers. It was only following the end of the dictatorship in the 1980s that true progress was accomplished by these communities, and President Edouard Bordelon counted them amongst his most staunch supporters. Today, the Asian community still has much to be accomplished in order to achieve true equality, but things are much better than they were in the 1970s.

    (made this after i read about the chinese communities of louisiana irl. i thought it'd be interesting to incorporate them within my america setup i had so long ago, and i enjoyed writing this - i hope you enjoy reading it! let me know any feedback or other stuff)

  • Foreword by Bill Browder and Acknowledgements

    Ch. 1: The Origins of Americanist Socialism

    1.1) Browder and Lovestone's Lives
    1.2) American Understandings of Socialism in the 20th century
    1.3) Roles of other figures

    Ch. 2: Americanist Socialism: Ideology or Phenomenon?

    2.1) Tenets of Americanist Socialism
    2.2) Browder and the Racial Question
    2.3) Southern Socialism?
    2.4) Washington and other figures in the socialist consciousness

    Ch. 3: Americanist Socialism from 1929 to 1950

    3.1) Lovestone and Browder: Fair-Weather Friends?
    3.2) DeLeonist opinions of Browder and Lovestone
    3.3) "Reds going Yellow": Opposition to Americanism and inter-socialist splits
    3.4) After the split: America's socialist future
    3.5) Americanist Socialism in Liberia

    Ch. 4: A Tarnished Legacy

    4.1) Browder after the Splits
    4.2) Lovestone's later life
    4.3) Relevance of Americanist socialism in the modern day


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    Dixie Russia, or the stupidest thing I've written this month

    Emperors of the Imperial Realm of Columbia

    Richard I (House of Lee) (1784 - 1792)

    Henry I (House of Lee) (1792 - 1818)
    Southern Interregnum (Family Wars)
    Robert I (Lee-Richmond) (1832 - 1868)
    Henry II (Lee-Richmond) (1868 - 1894) (under the regency of John Breckinridge)
    Robert II (Lee-Richmond) (1894 - 1914)
    Eleanor I (Lee-Habsburg) (1914 - 1915)
    Augustine I (Lee-Habsburg) (1915 - 1916)

    Presidents of the Columbian Republic

    Woodrow Wilson (1916-1917) (Progressist Nationalist)

    Presidents of the Union of Columbian Popular Republics

    Samuel Faubus (1917 - 1926) (Workers')
    Martin Sennet Conner (1926 - 1951) (Workers')
    Henry Howell (1951 - 1958) (Workers')
    Orval Faubus (1958 - 1981) (Workers')
    William H. Webster (1981 - 1989) (Workers')
    Ross Perot (1989 - 1991) (Workers')

    Presidents of the Columbian Commonwealth

    William Clinton (1991 - 2004) (Columbians United Together)
    defeated Bill Browder (New Workers') and James Stockdale (Columbia's Future)
    Gina Haspel (2004 - present) (Columbians United Together)

    TL Ideas
  • some current ideas for tls i have

    1) The Tiger of Samarkand redux -
    One Mirza Zahiruddin Babur defeats the Shaybanids, and manages to take control of Samarkand - and thus never goes on to invade India.

    2) No name yet
    McKinley loses the election of 1896 to a non-Bryan Dem.

    3) Rajiv Rajya
    Rajiv Gandhi never goes to Sriperumbudur, or his assassin falls sick/dies before she kills him. How would this affect India's politics?

    4) Bhai Bhai Forevermore
    Not sure how to do this one - I'm currently thinking of a way for the Dalai Lama not to flee to India and thus for India-China relations to be better than irl.
    The First Post-Occupation Cabinet [WIP]
  • This is not for a TL, just was bored and decided to make a Nazi occupied Britain thing

    N/A (as of March 1948, could do Edward VIII but also kind of feel that he is a cliche)

    Prime Minister:
    David Lloyd George (National Union)

    Reich Commissioner:
    Ernst Wilhelm Bohle (N/A)

    Deputy Prime Minister:
    Barry Domvile (National Union)

    Minister of Defence:


    Lord Chancellor:
    Almeric Paget, 1st Baron Queensborough (National Union)

    Lord Privy Seal:
    Hugh Grosvenor, Duke of Westminster (National Union)

    Minister without Portfolio:
    Archibald Maule Ramsay (National Union)

    Chancellor of the Exchequer:
    John Beckett (National Union)

    Home Secretary:
    A.K Chesterton (National Union)
    The New World: The Continent of Shroudspair
  • The continent of Shroudspair has always been rather unique insofar as it has provided somewhat of a refuge for the various "forgotten folk" of old Kaesan. First discovered by a Night-Aelven explorer in 1023 PB, the continent has since been colonised extensively.

    Historians debate on how exactly the aelves got to Shroudspair earlier - after all, the name of the continent itself comes from it having been shrouded in mist and thus difficult to even enter - yet there exists a native aelven population older than even the first colonists. Shroudspair is also likely to have been the home of the ancient giants, and types of dragons. The native inhabitants of Shroudspair are -

    1. The Cahvlardi-Iexrela - Also known as the "grass elves" or the "verdelves", the Cahvlardi are green-skinned, horned elves with a culture modelled on Slavic, Pictish, and Plains Indian cultures, as well as a language based mostly on Basque. They are found in the central plains of the continent, and have a powerful empire with an elective monarchy.
    2. The Hriitu-Alr, known as the "frost elves", are inhabitants of the far northern reaches of Shroudspair. Their language is primarily modelled on Finnish.
    3. The Echr-Ielra are more recent arrivals to the Continent, but came there before the Age of Colonisation. Known as the 'sea elves', they live primarily on the coasts of Southern Shroudspair, and are entirely female, without exception. They reproduce either asexually or with men of other races, though the second is more common. They are led by their eternal queen, known as Lúsnnrae-Milt - the Deep Mother.
    4. The jungle-dwelling Ixazul are one of the more elusive races, found only in the Huluuxthe jungles. They are likely unrelated to the elves, and arrived far before them - in appearance, they are somewhat serpentine, somewhat avian, and somewhat humanoid - though many have posited that they're just humans, and the infamous elven writer Celebon sil Aenral proposes that they are in fact, elves. The Ixazul keep to their cities, primarily due to the inhospitability of the jungle - perhaps caused by some magical enchantment - which has led them to stay city-states forever.
    5. The Dugukh are cousins of the halflings, native to the deserts of central and south-western Shroudspair. While other races, such as the sand giants, may have inhabited the deserts before them, the Dugrukh are likely to have arrived before King Ilarion closed the mists. The Dugrukh have tamed the strange ironshells (giant armadillos, similar to glyptodonts) as beasts of burden, and famously ride on the backs of terrorbirds.
    6. The slagraw are a mythical race of frog-men. Extinct, driven out by the Echr-Ielra.
    7. Forestfolk, known also as the 'hairy men' are large cousins of the giants, at around 10 feet tall. Also known as 'woses', forest-folk exist only in small pockets of forest, having largely been driven out by humans and wood elves.
    8. Humans are found across Shroudspair, and many human civilisations, such as the Chaskun empire of the southern mountains, developed in the continent.

    The most well-known nation in Shroudspair is the Commonwealth of Faelnaor. A former elven colony, the Commonwealth declared its independence in 1279 PB - around 40 years ago, and is ruled by a class of land-owners and burghers.

    In terms of demographics, half-elves are a majority, accounting for around 39 percent of the total population. Humans account for about 28 percent, followed by the elves (this categorisation tends to include all forms of elf, including the elves of Shroudspair, but excludes orcs, despite their relation to elves) at 13 percent, gnomes at 10 percent, orcs at 7 percent, and dwarves, the smallest minority, at 3 percent. The men of Shroudspair come from various continents, but are largely from either Zirsal (not!Africa) or Kaedan (not!Europe).

    The Principality of Aethagur is legally, part of the elven dominion of Aigurren. The dawn elven house of Amarthaen has ruled it since its creation - every house, town, and tree on the island belongs to the house by law. The Kingdom of Lany, too, developed colonies in Shroudspair - specifically on the east-central inland. These settlements, initially founded by members of persecuted religious groups - specifically the Nadrothian Church and Star-Acolytes, developed into full-blown colonies relatively late.

    In addition, a number of "pioneer republics" formed. The republic of Karadahr, for instance, was founded by dwarves in the red mountains escaping night elven slavery and Drolgard as a gnomish outpost on the river Garab-Urh river. Other 'pioneers' include the dragon-cult, founded by a night elven ascetic. These 'pioneer cults, are, essentially just pariahs from the old world.

    Speaking of which, the wood elves have too made a home for themselves. After the elven king Ilarion ended the worship of the Elden Gods, instead instituting the worship of the Vinnar (the ancestors of the royal family), and burned down the sacred Erlingwood, the wood elves left their old homeland in Aigurren, choosing to settle in the forests of Shroudspair. More wood elves left after the execution of Countess Rávëissë, the beloved leader of the wood elven rebellion of 1296, after which the wood elves were banned from worshipping their old gods, following their laws, and speaking their ancient tongue. The wood elves live in what they call "voluntary impoverishment", or 'anriac' - simple lives in the forests of the continent, where they continue to follow their old code - but they foment rebellion in secret, hoping to save their homeland from the colonialism of the dawn elves.

    The night elves developed their own colonies - most of which since became independent during the War of Baenevic Suppression and the rising in Thaas. Q'Xalrath, Aathalxiagurn, Tilaxu, and Avarex are some of the new republics formed, mostly by colonial elites, themselves night elves.
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    Excerpt from 'The Lizardfolk: Our History, People, and Culture' by Zaaxhprei Kr-Lhuxah, written in 1317 PD
    I've noticed that Lizardfolk are a quite popular race in fantasy. I suppose it's due to a desire to include a race that is more 'exotic' than an elf, a dwarf, a gnome, or a halfling that gives us lizardfolk. Some examples of popular lizardfolk are the eponymous race in DnD, the "lizardmen" seen in Warhammer Fantasy, and the Argonians of the Elder Scrolls. Lizardfolk are generally associated with a few traits (the same way dwarves are associated with beer, mining, melee weapons, and Scottish accents) - they're generally jungle or swamp-dwelling, ancient, and tribalistic, with a more complex and even alien sense of morality and society. In addition, lizardfolk are generally Mesoamerican-flavoured, though not copiously - I assume this is because of obvious reasons, that is, the Maya and the Aztecs being the only well-known civilisations to have built cities near jungles. Often, they are associated with dinosaurs.

    Now, 'Redossa', as I call it, is a steampunk fantasy world and a somewhat loving tribute to DnD-style fantasy - but not one afraid to shake off the mould! I added in lizardfolk because I've always had an affinity for reptiles (it was birds that scared me as a kid), and wanted to try to make a more unique race of lizardfolk than just the norm, inspired by aspects of lizards' social behaviour and a desire to develop on the archetypal lizard people.

    Without further ado, here is an in-universe text written on lizardfolk. Note that the history sections of this text may be somewhat subjective, and based on romanticised accounts rather than facts.

    "We, the Lizardfolk, have been subject to a great many lies and foolish assumptions about our kind, or as we call ourselves, the Xuar Kr-Aux - the scaled ones. We have been oft maligned as man-eaters, barbarians, and purely selfish, even amoral. We are denied the dignity of calling ourselves men, and instead equated to savage animals. This is simply untrue.

    While at first glance, it may appear that my people are inseparable from the common lizards, this too is untrue. In fact, our ancestors were once powerful beings, akin to the crocodiles of today - you may know them as the Antediluvian Raisuchals - and in our tongue, we call them the Xuar Kr-Kik - the honoured ones. In our tales, there was once a great flood that sank the coasts of the isle of Lyvanis. Then came the Yr-Xala, the Deep Demon, who seduced many of our people, and told them that to survive the flood they must shrink so that they could swim. In truth, they had lied to them, and they were cursed to live as "Xuar Kr-Yr", the Deep Ones, who lived on the coasts and are the smallest of lizardfolk. But Yr-Xala was defeated by the maker, Ya-Mys-Xa, and they moulded their people to the Lizardfolk of today. When the maker was slain by the enemy, their soul laid to rest, and was split into four parts. When we are to make life-changing decisions, we often consult the soul of the Maker. To accomplish goals, we change ourselves drastically with the Maker's aid - we can switch from male to female at ease with their aid, to accomplish the goals of our life. Their four forms - Tse'ex of the Marshes, Ms-kr of the Coast, Le'xul of the Wastes, and An-Xthil of the Lowlands, are scattered across Lyvanis, or as we call it, Xuamal.

    In our society, the division of ourselves is primarily geographical. The Xuar-Kr-Yr live on the coasts, the Xuar Kr-Jual in the Ilxud lowlands, the Xuar-Kr-Ik in the mangroves and jungles of the Livran Marshes, and the dry ones, the Xuar Kr-Xh, in the Gray Wastes. Our lord is chosen from one clan when their predecessor dies - their child must prove themselves to be strong, physically and mentally, enough to succeed. Today, some lords have adopted the fashions and styles of the Night Elves, who colonised our land, but we continue to honour this practice. Our 'clans' function differently from those of the outlanders - we do not socialise with our kin, for fear of fomenting rivalry, save for once a year, and though many of us live solitary lives, the Xuar Kr-Xh and the Xuar Kr-Ik live amongst their clans. Our solitary lives are followed in order to prevent the creations of enmities, rather than out of selfishness. To kill one's kin is a crime, especially if without sanction or just cause. We do show some reluctance to trust humans, and elves, but this is not out of bigotry but rather out of fear, as our people were tormented cruelly by them.

    Our people tend to live on fish, leaves, and the meat of the smaller creatures on the isle. Cannibalism has almost entirely been an exception, as has the consumption of the meat of sapient creatures. In truth, we eat more plant matter than we do meat.

    We have often fomented rebellion against the colonists - and in 1301, we were finally granted our independence. Since then, there has, among scholars, been a fear of our people, for we are in truth, insular. As a scholar and as one of the Scaled Ones, I felt it was my responsibility to correct these misconceptions."

    Members of the European Continental Bloc, January 1951
  • Felt somewhat bored so wrote up another aXiS viCtOrY setting. This is probably bad.

    The Greater German Reich: Led by Adolf Hitler of the NSDAP
    Since the bloc was formed in 1946, Germany has more or less been at its very top. Plans, deals, and geographical arrangements - all of them have been the work of the Reich. Most of the Bloc is, of course, subservient to the German governance system - few of them are truly independent, with the exception of perhaps the Irish, the Bulgarians, the Swedes and the Finns.

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: Led by Barry Domvile of the National Union
    A kingdom without a king is one hell of a government - while de jure, the UK is still ruled by a king, the only claimant who'd ever accept the throne, the Duke of Windsor, remains in house arrest across the sea. Negotiations to retrieve him haven't been going smoothly - nobody quite cares about the man, not least the British themselves - if they wanted a king, they'd want old King George. The Domvile government itself hasn't been going so smoothly - Bose's Congress government was formed in India back in 1946, essentially leaving Britain without its crown jewel, while the Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders have sided with the old monarch. All this goes on while leaders such as Bill Alexander, Johnny Longstaff, and Bob Edwards plot to establish a true workers' government, while older army men like Stirling continue to fight in the name of the Home Guard. Will the British weather this storm? Or will they have to be "guided" by the firm hand of Germania?

    The French State: Led by Philippe Petain (still)
    Even as De Gaulle decries his government from the safety of his Montreal home, and even as Eboue and LeClerc constantly fight the Algerians at Lake Chad in the name of the Army of Africa, the Vichy government remains under the watchful eye of the Lion of Verdun. Petain is pushing 100, and it won't be long before his passing. Laval, of course, is not lacking in personal experience - but how much of this matters when France itself is constantly at a boiling point?

    The Government of National Salvation: Led by Milan Nedic of the PNS
    A proxy of the Germans with little to no say in diplomatic affairs, Serbia continues to be a hotbed of insurrection against the unpopular and violent Germans - from the left and the right both.

    The Republic of Ireland: Led by Eamon de Valera of Fianna Fail

    The State of Slovakia: Led by Jozef Tiso of the HSVS

    The Lokot Autonomy: Led by Bronislav Kaminski of the RNSP 'Varyag'

    The Kingdom of Sweden: Led by Tage Erlander of the S/SAP

    The State of Norway: Led by Vidkun Quisling of the Nasjonal Samling

    The Kingdom of Denmark: Led by Vilhelm Buhl of the Socialdemokraterne

    The Tsardom of Bulgaria: Led by Tsar Boris III

    The Republic of Finland: Led by C.G.E Mannerheim

    Lol Switzerland

    "Sauerkraut Westerns"
  • One of the most popular film genres of the 1950s was the 'Sauerkraut Western'. Stemming from Hitler's own love of Karl May and the western genre, Sauerkraut westerns tended to fall into two categories - the first were direct adaptations of Westerns, which glorified the settlement of the American frontier, and were mostly shot in Ukraine, Poland, or Romania. The second type of western was far more common, and tended to be glorifications of German people, with Slavs filling in the roles that were occupied by Native Americans in American films. The most famous of these films was 1953's "The Hero of the East" - a World War One drama that takes place in a German town in the Caucasus, and is known for its negative depiction of Slavs and Jews. The film was banned in the Soviet Union.