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  1. V

    Ramifications of an Allied Victory in a 1938 War?

    Just took a read-through thanks to yourself and the Internet Archive. Very useful for getting a sense of how the war would play out in detail compared to the vague sketch in my mind.
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    Ramifications of an Allied Victory in a 1938 War?

    Something I’ve always wondered about and never really seen any attempts at fleshing out outside of one embarrassing Turtledove project. Let’s say that negotiations break down during the Munich crisis and Hitler initiatives Fall Grün on its planned date of October 1st, 1938. For various reasons...
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    AHC: Socialist-dominant USA

    Wanted to highlight this because it is an underdiscussed POD. Even though I think the idea of a progressive Farmer-Labor party has become a standard trope in American political TLs. The Farmer-Labor party quietly performed fairly well in 1920 for a new party that had nominated a completely...
  4. V

    What would a Bernie in 2016 Presidency look like?

    I could probably talk about this for hours but some basic outlines of where I see things going: - Senate is likely 51 D-49 R with McGinty, Kander, and Feingold all floating above the line without being weighed down by Clinton on the top of the ticket. Mileage may vary on Deborah Ross in North...
  5. V

    AHC: Southern secession from the USA, without the Mexican war/Mexican cession as a catalyzing issue?

    Obviously the South would try to balance things out by pushing into Kansas but is there potential for conflict in other areas? Would the pro-Southern sympathies in Oregon be taken advantage of?
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    WI: no Hilary 2016 run

    Biden is the strong favorite, coming off a relatively high approval of the second Obama term and four fewer years of age. I don't really see anyone that could beat him tbqh. Gillibrand taking the mantle of the first potential female President is interesting, but I don't really think she gained...
  7. V

    If the Deluge had swallowed Poland whole

    Long forgotten where I first encountered it, but seems likely that I got it from Pervez Hoodbhoy’s thread on AH.com. The French wiki map you are talking about looks more precise and since then another user on AH.com posted an additional map with a specific outline of Radziwill’s claims that...
  8. V

    AMERICA DIVIDES: The Multi-Party US Election of 2016

    I know that all precinct election results (even primaries) are based on the State House districts in Vermont so it would certainly be calculable here (though unfortunately lopsided in favor of one man), I could look into seeing if there are any other states that do it that way as well. Also...
  9. V

    Little Napoleonic PODs

    Have a ton of ideas, but I'll start with one I have recently come across: 1802: the wrong mosquito doesn't bite Latouche Tréville Louis-René Levassor de Latouche Tréville was one of the most experienced admirals in the French fleet having seen action since the age of 14 at Quiberon Bay. He was...
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    Napoleon's Britain

    Assuming a pod in the summer of 1805 puts this at a pretty interesting hinge point in the course of the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon is yet to install any of his brothers on foreign thrones and we are still a few months from the miraculous success of the Ulm campaign and Austerlitz. My own personal...
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    "Hipster" Politicians Thread

    Using my school's databases I found a few articles, but again, incredibly vague politics. His big pet issue was "special interests" and specifically being against PACs which I suppose makes him a pioneer in that regard. Democratic advisors and even some of his supporters felt that he was too...
  12. V

    AHC: Make a city in the Deep South larger than NYC with a POD after the Louisiana Purchase

    As @SinghSong mentioned in his great post, Malaria and Yellow Fever played a pivotal role in stunting southern cities' growth. The first anti-immigrant laws passed in these states routinely followed after Yellow Fever outbreaks. Cities that did become immigrant beacons, Memphis, for instance...
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    Scalia lives

    The only particularly interesting electoral question with Scalia living in my mind is if this results in Kennedy feeling less pressure to retire and therefore no Kavanaugh nomination which polling data suggests was a decisive factor for Republicans keeping the Senate in 2018.
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    The Las Vegas of the Plains

    This is true, maybe with greater development along that area of the Mississippi you would see a city like Hot Springs or Pine Bluff spring off and become the new gambling hub. And there could be a Los Angles-Las Vegas type relationship going on.
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    The Las Vegas of the Plains

    Memphis would be a good candidate, it had a rapidly booming population and was rare in the South for being a center of white-ethnic immigration. But you would need either an earlier discovery of the cause of yellow fever or someone willing to overhaul the disgusting state of sanitation in...
  16. V

    Libya if Italy remains neutral in World War II

    Libya in a vacuum could be held effectively but I think Italian East Africa is a ticking time bomb and has the potential to blow up so catastrophically that Italy goes through a Carnation-type revolution and abandons all of its possessions.
  17. V

    pernament Third party in United states.

    The Timmons v. Twin Cities ruling going in the opposite direction is probably the best chance that third parties would have under America's current electoral system. A POD could be in 1996 Pat Buchanan decides to leave the Republicans and run with the Constitution Party, something he threatened...
  18. V

    STV America Revived: A Collaborative American Redistricting Project
    Threadmarks: Maryland -- @Visigoethe

    Here's my gander at Maryland. Hard when MoCo and Baltimore County are so dominant. Also I didn't know how e x t r a v a g a n t to go with names.
  19. V

    Who could be a "Democratic Reagan?"

    There's probably a pretty good parallel timeline somewhere with Fred Harris/Peter Shore being ATL's version of Reagan/Thatcher. But instead, it is left-wing economic populism combined with scepticism of bureaucracy and a liberal interpretation of patriotism becoming the dominant transformative...
  20. V

    Pax Francia? Napoleon applies the Strasbourg Memorandum.

    The year of 1805 would be the apex of Napoleon's maneuverings in Europe. Crushing a renewed and rejuvenated coalition at Ulm and Austerlitz he would have the opportunity to completely re-shape Europe however to his liking. The resultant Treaty of Pressburg signed with Austria produced the worst...