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    Kimkatya in: The Thread That Wouldn't Die

    I'm going to become the new Heavy with this
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    Paleofuture. Part 2: Foundation

    Well, seldom mentioned elsewhere on the internet, maybe 😉 Sci-fi authors as a rule seem to have unusual political views that (to go back to the paleofuture concept) reflect the politics of their time in skewed ways. Here's a good article about that as regards Dune. I'm not super au fait with...
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    Paleofuture. Part 2: Foundation

    I haven't read Foundation in a very long time but I remember finding it difficult to get into because - like many sci-fi works of its era - it consists entirely of plot and conceptual ideas to the exclusion of description, character, etc. Correct me if I've forgotten but I remember my mental...
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    Alternate History General Discussion

    Reposting this over here because I want a story where he lives long enough to see his scientific legacy either taken up or overthrown by Henri d'Orleans. Can anyone find a Legitimist adventurer naturalist to complete the set?
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    Max's election maps and assorted others

    We're doing the same in Portland rn (going from four plus the mayor to 12 plus the mayor, amid a bunch of other changes) - I don't think the two efforts are linked, but maybe they will prompt folks in other cities to think about the idea.
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    The Thirty-Eighth HoS List Challenge Thread

    Drive a Spear Into the Land 1865-1867: Andrew Johnson (National Union, then Democratic) ‡ 1867-1868: Benjamin Wade (Republican) (acting) 1868-1880: Ulysses S. Grant (Republican) 1867 special election (with Schuyler Colfax) def. Horatio Seymour (Democratic) 1871 (with Schuyler Colfax) def. David...
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    Deleting lots of old posts

    Thanks for the explanation. I'll take a look and see if there's anything egregious enough to warrant removal - probably not.
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    Deleting lots of old posts

    Hey all - I'm trying to reduce my overall footprint on the internet and I'm interested in deleting or blanking quite a lot of my older posts, particularly stuff in The Pub that has unnecessary personal detail in it. It seems like I can only delete and edit posts in open threads, not in locked...
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    Caprice's Maps and What-Not

    As an Oregon local history buff I appreciate all of this detailed work! The Hold-Up Session indirectly led to the introduction of the initiative and referendum process to the United States (it was known as the Oregon System for a while before it became more widespread), so there is a lot of...
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    Tom McCall and the Third Force

    I think that sounds like #3, which was the option that least appealed to folks. This is all a hypothetical of a hypothetical, of course, but if any of this was to happen it would probably either be #2 (left and libertarian reformists coordinating in a Stop Wallace campaign) or McCall running...
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    Tom McCall and the Third Force

    Yes I do think it's likely that even the very unlikely event of the Third Force coalescing and winning office in 1976 the most likely result looks like a better Carter administration. But there is the interesting wrinkle that as Sklar mentions this is all about equity and austerity at the same...
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    Tom McCall and the Third Force

    I have an update for this now-ubiquitous-in-Lists idea! I was looking at McCall's papers at the Oregon Historical Society yesterday in search of some stuff tangentially related to my BITR research and found a folder labeled "Third Force." In the summer of 1975, this guy was holding meetings...
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    The Greatest Sports AH You've Never Heard Of

    This is good genre analysis but I was hoping you'd go into an ATLF scenario here, imagining what the Knights' victory would have led to! Looking at the theoretical implications of this kind of unintentional AH is a whole fun sub-hobby.
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    US-Soviet fishing disputes - "Perch War"

    This all also could lead to the ironic spectacle of Nixon accusing the governors of operating an independent foreign policy / violating the Logan Act
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    US-Soviet fishing disputes - "Perch War"

    Yes I think regardless of the specifics the situation probably doesn't last very long before the respective national authorities start talking to each other to sort something out. Modern communications means we don't get an analogue of SLP's Russo-New Zealand War, as interesting as that would...
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    US-Soviet fishing disputes - "Perch War"

    My Bend in the River research has led me on lots of interesting side quests, and I thought this one was of general interest and AH potential enough to start a thread. In 1966, Soviet fishing fleets began cruising very close to America's Pacific coast, not only within today's EEZ lines but in...
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    Lists of Heads of Government and Heads of State

    The Presidential eligibility clause of the United States Constitution remains one of its most unusual features to foreign observers, specifying as it does that no native-born citizen of the country may hold the office. In its eighteenth-century context the idea would not have seemed as odd – the...
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    Book Nook: Agent Lavender, by Tom Black and Jack Tindale.

    Does anyone in contemporary Britain believe that Wilson was actually a spy? I ask because I think the last time we discussed Agent Lavender on here I compared it to Hail, Caesar! and mentioned that I think Lavender works better, in part because it is harder to accidentally read it as an...
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    Hilary in 2016: how does COVID go?

    There is one thing that I think gets memory holed in Clinton 2016 conversations, and that's that the Republicans controlled so many state legislatures that one or two more they'd be able to call an Article V convention. There were plans to do it, too, with the goal of passing a balanced budget...
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    Lists of Heads of Government and Heads of State

    Career of Anna Louise Strong 1885-1916: Youth, student, lecturer, journalist 1916-1918: Member, Seattle School Board 1916 def. minor candidates 1918 recall: YES (56%) 1916-1919: founder and informal leader, Co-Operative Campers 1919: Non-voting member, Seattle General Strike Committee February...