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  • Can I talk in the DMs about some questions about 20th century history since you seem to know more about it than I do?
    Sure - not sure if I know what you need but I’m up for trying.
    Hey, just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who feels down similarly to this Virginia thing. Just wanted to say something.
    For me, it's not just the Republicans (although I feel that Glenn Youngkin is a mealy-mouthed son of a bitch), but that the Democrats are just so stupefyingly incompetent at providing an alternative. Obama provided hope. What did McAuliffe provide? He's a state-specific Hillary Clinton.

    I swear, it feels like the two parties are each other's controlled opposition.
    At least I got to exclaim "eat shit Elder" after the recall. I know there are some that geninely want to do something, but too many are just the suburban Nimby types, you know? I think I have already made what I think of beltway media types clear.

    I looked at my family below, and for some reason, I started getting an enormous feeling of sadness.
    I probably should just sleep. Nice talking to you btw, feel free to continue in DMs.
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